Quote Originally Posted by Karen37a View Post

You continually make a veiled reference to me while bothering yet another person on the site. I am not going to be judge and jury over which person was right or wrong on that lead dispute but why do you constantly butt into everyone's business??

Why do you continually troll the boards looking to be negative and cut people down?

The fact that you think I am "challenging your manliness" is hysterical. We are people...I do not see Men/women in transactions ( only companies and people) and you are proving you are a low rent misogynist by making those comments. I do not think anyone I know in real life thinks I am challenging their "manliness".
These are sales. Not Tarzan /Jane competitions.

You chase me around on the boards in an almost stalkerish way. Do you wake up in the morning to see what I post? How about ignoring me if your manliness is harmed so much.

Hdf/Karen starting debate almost 2 years ago

The Facts are you ( a long time ago) solicited me or offered me SBA Leads.And because this isn't my first time around the block and thought it would end up just like the 2 in this post I said NO.
You told me someone on long island had your leads and said that they might as well call the yellow pages because they were worthless. ( and I know the people you sold them to) You said he didn't know what he was talking about and wanted me to "try " them.

I knew it might wind up bad so I told you in no uncertain terms" ill take 30-50 for free and try them if I make sales I will give you 20% as a referral. YOU told me I can't tell with 30-50...and I said TOUGH. I do not want you bugging me about taking leads and trying to trap me into paying for something. Send 30-50 and I will be able to gauge them, we can talk about numbers after.

The Leads sucked. NO ONE ever took out an SBA nor applied for one and you fought me to the death on it. I told you do not EVER send leads back which you didn't.

Then weeks later you tell me you are selling them to someone in Queens and I was wrong, didnt know what I am doing etc... then .they didn't want them either. THEN you asked my opinions on them and on lead generation because you sell leads. I gave my advice, you asked me to not mention your name on the boards I said yes and you stalked me ever since.

Then months/year later you told me you had can capital UCC leads 5000 of them I said NO,,, again id pay if I closed...you sent them and then there were only 500 can uccs and some other **** mixed in. Then I told you I am not dialing them and take a hike and saved the messages and emails.

You have been Harrassing me saying Elizabeth for 2 years nows until I FINALLY said Kevin.

How about you go away..very simple. Hit the iggy button and go sell leads to someone else . Am I being Feminine enough for you? Happy now? Now everyone can know why you stalk me.


Sorry that happened to you, yes, he is making himself laugh more than anyone else so its probably better to just ignore it. For all we know, its the same guy who sold me leads defending himself multiple ways on here, the way this guy acts, it wouldn't surprise me! Hope business is well for you!