I have been in the deal bunker a lot for the last several weeks. We are most active in the following industries: Staffing and Produce.

I have been getting a lot of calls from brokers that have been selling MCA products that are now looking for other products to offer customers. I try to be as responsive as possible and happy to have those conversations, but deals in the bunker deserve priority. I will make time and put anyone on a schedule for a call.

We offer factoring and asset based lines of credit. We are a division of a bank, so our cost of funds is ridiculously low and we can offer a lot of bank services to our non-bank customers. Just because we are bank owned does not me we cannot finance the unbankable. We are well know in the industry for working with challenged companies and providing solid solutions. If we cannot provide a solution and add value, we give a quick no. If we can help we will dive in very hard and usually move faster than our customers.

Our credit products first and foremost finance accounts receivables. We can finance inventory and M&E if it makes sense as an accommodation to the receivables facility.

Industries we hate: Construction and Healthcare where there is payer risk. Industries we love: Staffing, business services, food and beverage-especially produce, manufacturing, niche' distributors, and cell tower services companies. We know what we know....

Facility sizes: $250K to well over $15Mil. Location: Anywhere in the US.

We do pay referral fees.

Last, but not least..... If you have a prospect that is in any of the above referenced industries, generating $7-100Mil/year, and paying more than 15% all in for working capital.....they are with the wrong company and you have been talking to the wrong institution.


