Quote Originally Posted by Karen37a View Post
Ps. So many newbies enter the business...I am sure one "could" buy.

It will be obliterated( cannibalized) by years end.

Unless they are buying YOU, the leader.

And what makes you think I do not have Brokers in my organization?

Maybe we left a big company and I took them with me?

Maybe I am not yelling on these boards..i quit so and so and took 10 of the top brokers with me.( which they can have 80% of them back)

Maybe I didn't feel like fighting and went under the radar until some fool is yelling Elizabeth ...which they know me anyway.

Maybe we didnt want to go thru a PUBLIC fight over books of business
because if you were big enough you would have had offers and will not be saying that no one is buying iso shops . When i say big i mean funding volume not amount of reps .