Quote Originally Posted by wallerbusiness View Post
What should be the ideal goal for a broker who has their own brokerage besides making money. That's obvious. We get apps and banking and we close deals but whats the big goal? Issac if you are watching this post I would love your opnion on this deal. What do you think brokers should strive for? I know this is a loaded question but im curious.
-You don't make money off ISO Agreements, Term Sheets, Contact Lists, Etc.... You make money closing lending, factoring or advance facilities and will ONLY be successful if your client pays the lenders or advances back. You don't make money on defaults.
-Chose a reputation over chasing a dollar. You will make more money off customers in the long run if they trust you. I have made more money off referrals from customers than the original customer my entire career. Lenders/advancers will be more responsive to you if you are bringing good customers to the table.
-Never forget where the bodies are buried. When a customer calls with a need, you should have a Rolodex of places to go to help them.
-Stay in front of customers and contacts with thoughtful ideas. Play in industries you know well....