Manufacturing company, does business worldwide and with the government, in business over 20 years. He has a slow season from December-April. Now that his busy season is under way, he is getting bombarded by orders and needs $30-$50k total to purchase materials. He knows this is revenue based and is coming out of his slow season, so is willing to accept $10-$15k for now and more on a renewal, just to get started.

-He deposits $10,000 or less January-April, but June-November can do anywhere from $40,000-$150,000.
-The major problem is he is in a Chapter 11/Business Bankruptcy. This is by choice. He was going through an ugly divorce and had the choice of giving his wife half of all of his assets, including his company, where he would have been forced to work side with her every day. He chose to declare and is paying monthly. Has documentation, and can even make his lawyer available.
-Good guy, will be a loyal and consistent client to whoever funds him.