Quote Originally Posted by Gboxcapital View Post
Hello Fellow Brokers

Greenbox Capital sets the standard in creating regulation. It is important to protect our merchants, Sales Partners, and ourselves from those who don’t live up to their word, look to manipulate the system, and who may, instead of honoring their agreements, go to the trouble of dissolving their companies to escape consequence. Thus we have introduced the personal guarantee to cover monies due from the ISO to Greenbox. Additionally, if a broker double funds a merchant ( funding occurring at the same time), the owners of such ISO can be held personally liable for those specific actions. The broker is not responsible for any actions of the merchant, Greenbox has and continues to assume that liability.

Our Sales Partners, who have not completed our amendment, will be paid on renewals. Anything to the contrary is untrue. They simply will not be able to submit new business with Greenbox to due not having updated terms and conditions.

We at Greenbox Capital only wish to see our merchants, our ISO Partners and our ourselves succeed! We’re all playing the same game. Let’s also play by the same rules.

For more information on Greenbox policy or programs please call our office at 855.442.3423.
You are asking us to sign a blanket PG, not one that just addresses the double funding.
I have never double funded and never will, but I am not signing a PG that gives you a right to come after me for anything that goes wrong.
In addition you guys are one of the toughest to do business with. It is painful watching a deal go through you approval and underwriting process.
There are plenty of other people we could do busSinews with.