Quote Originally Posted by Karen37a View Post
I stopped working for my old employer because I would only make 7 dials a day , max 30 and the owner would call me daily to tell me to get the calls up to 150...then they said just do 70.

I said NO...12 full applications in 7 closes ...doesn't matter how many phone calls I make..I am not being punished because these guys suck on the phone. the employees would wander into the Manager office crying:"how does she only make 7 dials and get all those applications she must have special leads"

Employees who work for me now saying " just dial faxes and wrong numbers they won't know the difference"

So lets just get the bet rolling....Ive made this bet at least 50 times in life...twice with my old employer's managers.

This Merchant Cash advance business it not like other business ..people who are in it who had any success at all are the top 1 % of sales people. And until you enter and do it and survive you will not know.

Im up for the challenge. You must be top 1% and so am I. I dont take alot of calls to get a deal. Its the right type of client and the follow up. You have to call the right type of client to begin with. Im hyper focused on different markets. I deal with Medical Practices and Home Health Care Agencies. In the state of TX MO and TN. The markets are hot! I know the government regulations I know the vendors. From time to time I will actually go fly out to see some of these people. Especially on bigger deals. If you can get a doctor on the phone you are awesome. You have to know how to cold call. I know a lot about the client before I call a client. I know who the practice manager is, I know their vendors, I know the receptionist. Research is super key over here at my brokerage.