While what John says is a valid point, I have always maintained that the amount of time spent waiting for the greeting to play and then leaving a message takes too long. Let's say at 45 seconds a pop, and you get voicemails all day, you are eating into time that could be better served dialing more people. Not to mention its tiring after a while.

I've run sales offices since the early 90's and I gave up leaving voicemails long ago. Although, and I will sound sexist here, I have always instructed any female reps to leave messages as they tend to be returned at a much higher rate than their male counterparts.

The argument could be made that so few voicemails are left these days that by leaving one you are standing out from the crowd. And a buyer who is ready, but legitimately unavailable at the time, would probably be a good catch with a voicemail.

BUT- obviously any hot /real time leads should be left a few voicemails.