_____ all im going to say is if your having trouble with your sales pitch, deciding to leave a VM or Not - find a mentor that is successful and learn from them, Study them, absorb everything they do and craft it to your personality...

i mentioned Grant Cardone before, not only do i know him but hes build a Billion Dollar Company Training Sales people and a $780MM real estate portfolio in my back yard ...and He Preaches, Screams and will pound it in your head to ALWAYS LEAVE A VM...... It doesn't mean that you need to say " Hi this is jim from XYC merchant cash advance company please call me" It could be as easy as saying " Hi Jim its Jerry Starr, when you get a minute could you give me a call"

Everybody is over thinking this - The MCA business is easy, Have fund with it, Tweak your call pitch daily until one sticks - your Selling Money and everyone wants it ..... EASY

Here is a stupid analogy,

If you were sick, would you want to speak to a doctor or someone that flunked out of medical school ?

the same goes for the MCA boiler room, dont take advice from someone that isn't doing better than you regarding call strategy, Leaving VM's or not - when the best time to call etc... , success is surrounding yourselves around successful people - Fnd the ones that are Uber successful and LEARN FROM THEM..