I have worked with many Merchant Advance companies that take a different approach on balances between $25K and up. They still send mystery shoppers, conduct a site visit and take excellent notes about the default, especially capturing information about the debtor (including location information and alternative phone numbers).

However, an attorney demand letter from a law firm as well as messages and a legal talk off with the Merchant from an attorney greatly improves the right party contact rate which can improve repayment in certain circumstances.

Additionally, when a person has assets, than taking advantage of a breach for specific performance under the agreement (which kicks in the personal guarantee) gives the litigation step a boost and in certain cases may "flesh" out debtor/debtor entities and get them to get back on track or at least discuss repayment options.

I don't disagree that efforts should be made internally by the MCA, but I strongly believe that representation by an attorney well versed in legal collections can assist in recovery--that is money that can be put back into a new deal. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact at clientservices@mmpslaw.com