Everything I have been told is that deals under $75k aren't worth even trying to get your capital back.. paying lawyers and going to court is expensive.

Personally I will invest a 10 spot into a single deal from time to time.. but I always split my money up between several deals so if one goes down I still profit.

I am pretty sure most deals are done this way.. other than the super CA companies (Advance Me.. On Deck.. Etc.) most deals are piecemealed together like this. I have had more and more companies asking me to kick in on my deals lately. I see this industry at some point being 80-90% funded by brokers and agents.

Think about it.. once you get some deals going and get your phone ringing.. the commissions are very nice. Especially when you hit larger deals. Making $20-50k on large deals can make an agent feel pretty rich pretty fast. I only spend so much of it.. so the rest can either sit in a money market and make 1-2% or I can put it in deals and make 15-20% over 3 to 6 months.

No brainer if you ask me.