Quote Originally Posted by FundKite View Post
Hello MX211,

1. We are a direct Funder.
2. All of our pulls show up as Fundkite. We have decided to attach a screenshot of our pulls so there are no more questions regarding this matter.

Lastly, not even sure what you mean by we would not provide funding agreement, if you requested contracts we would send them. Why would we not? Makes no sense at all. You are more then welcome to call Joe or Steve in ISO relations 929-999-7500.

Hope this clarifies your questions.
i just want to touch on this for a second, do we not all know how easy it is to white label a brokered contract to someone's platform who can debit as the white label'ed entity?

not saying that's what's going on but i am not going to accept this as verified proof anyone is a direct lender.

if you guys want to deal with a direct lender why dont you try building a relationship with them, go to their office, try to come up with a strategic strategy to fund more deals instead of making one call/email, signing an iso agreement, sending all of your submissions to god knows who, then coming on here and labeling them as a broker because you're not happy with the experience? it's your own damn fault.