Quote Originally Posted by VeganFunder View Post
Are you actually an idiot or do you just act like one for attention?

Yes, CFG Merchant solutions STANDS for Capflow funding group. Everyone and their aunt knows that... it's on their damn website.

BUUT the "CAPFLOW FUNDING Group" you see debiting in bank statement are NOT CFG merchant sol, but Midnight advance acting like they are the same company as CFG Merchant solutions.
Why would they do that? Who the f*ck knows. But it's probably illegal, and 100% scummy.

Midnight did the same like when they launched Second Chance funding. Guess what, Last Chance funding sued them so they stopped.

You sound like the type of person who double funds a merchant with a 20 day deal and says "what, they can afford it" as if the 1st funder just randomly throws out numbers based on how much money is in the bank that day to fund (if that was too complex for you understand please DM me and I'll break it down nice and slow for you)
So why would they pull as Capflow? If they’re trying to be CFG, why aren’t they pulling as CFG?
This is such Bs and pure hate.
Capflow has nothing to do with Midnite, do your research. One former employee.
They’re actually not even in New York!