Nobody pissing in anyone's Cornflakes here.....I just don't take PR Web as credible, as anyone can post anythign they want there for the right price. Do I believe MCC broke the $10 million threshhold? Probably...they've been around long enough and have would expect they're doing $6-7 mill a month in renewals alone. I just wouldn't post a PR Web announcement as a "look here, this is credible" source.

In terms of reps at YSC?, is everyone doing the same amount? Of course not (never the case in any firm anywhere). I think the top guy did $14 mill if I am not mistaken. #'s 2 and 3 did over $8 mill...and it trickles down from there.

Hopefully Dodd/Frank will kick in one of these days however, and all these firms will be obligated to report. There will be no more PR annoucements and smoke and mirrors. Hard core data to day (sigh)