I'm more impressed with companies/individuals who can generate money without any money (or a minimal amount). If a venture can be profitable with a large amount of capital, it can usually be somewhat profitable with a small amount. What you know after losing 100 million, you probably knew after losing the first million. 10 year vision is crap 1990's talk by tech people that spoke a language no one else understood in order to bring in a lot of VCap and we see what happened there. The companies that survived were (mostly) companies that were profitable early in their life cycle.

With technology today, it gets faster and faster to build a 100 million dollar company, not slower, and the barriers to entry are removed so that anyone with a laptop and a phone can build an income generating platform. When a 23 year old turns down a 3 billion dollar offer from facebook, and you look at how young and how fast new billionaires are being created, neither time nor money is the deciding factor anymore, it's knowledge (information). If your plan can't turn a profit in 6 -24 mths max, it's likely antiquated and filled with holes from the start.

Having worked with a large tech publisher just over 60 minutes from silicon valley, when we were doing R + D on new products, we gave 30 - 90 days for it to show merit or it was scrapped. Our spend was minimal during that point unless we saw a high likelihood of generating revenue.
