Quote Originally Posted by jbrown View Post
My guess is Square has no clue. How many remember the days when IPayment and other processors got into the MCA businesses thinking "I know my customers, I don't need special MCA underwriting and collections rules?" Even First Data has scaled back from their venture into MCA.

They don't know how to make money on their core business...

"Today the Wall Street Journal–citing unnamed people in-the-know– reported that Square lost $100 million in 2013 and is quickly eating up its $340 million supply of venture cash. Because of the cash bleed–Square is seeking a suitor desperately." http://www.forbes.com/sites/stevenbe...do-it-quickly/
ODC started back in 2007 with 12 month 1.09's. then went to 1.12's, then cut them to 6 months. Then went to 1.18's

Now they are giving buy rate deals out at 6 month 1.28's