Quote Originally Posted by admin View Post

Too many threads are devolving into accusations of backdooring and trash talking. This forum is not a place for that. This isn't Ripoff Report. If you had a bad experience with a company, handle it with the company privately. If your issue still isn't resolved, consider the Better Business Bureau. If that doesn't work, hire a lawyer. If that doesn't work, cut your losses and move on, learn from it, do something proactive and positive to prevent a similar incident in the future. Making an angry accusatory post will only exacerbate your stress and do nothing to resolve it.

As a reminder:

  • If you trash talk anonymously, your account may be banned
  • If you're using the forum just to lodge accusations, your account may be banned
  • If you misrepresent yourself or the services you offer, your account may be banned
  • If you attempt to solicit business without explicitly detailing who you are, your account may be banned

The best way to avoid a problem is to conduct extensive due diligence on any company you work with before you work with them. If you don't do that, please don't expect the whole forum to be shocked that something didn't go as promised with a company you didn't bother to research.

You are of course allowed to detail a negative experience so long as the intent is to resolve it or it's to constructively engage the company with which it occurred.

Please be a positive contribution to the site, not a negative one. Thank you.

a much needed, eloquently stated reminder for all of us -- it's amazing how different DF was two year ago vs. today