This is a fun one, don't laugh, there's a lot of money in this for those that take it seriously.

I have a client who has a piece of property he inherited worth $50mm.
The catch is that it's in MEXICO.

He has a complete business plan (I have it) to turn it into a big gold course / resort.
He wants at least $15mm private money on the property to start the process (30% LTV).
It's only bare land at this point. I have a full file with plans of what he wants to do... mostly in Spanish.

He has no liquidity, his wife just left him, and he cannot pay for due diligence. I suspect once we wave some offers in his face, his family members might come out of the woodwork. He has an uncle paying the land taxes presently.

Is there someone out there that can help me find a home?
I'm gladly willing to co-broker this since the pie is SO big, just be 100% honest with me with full disclosure.
I won't backdoor you, I just want to work the deal properly, and let's negotiate the split. You don't dictate the split to me. However, your information is not worth 50% of the deal, unless you're the direct lender.

If this thing is a hoax, let the LENDER decide, don't just barrage me. That's what due diligence fees are normally about. Please come to HELP me out.