If you use a Lead Transfer company make sure they are using the qualification requirements or standards that you will accept. All companies consider a "Qualified Lead" to be different things.I would at a minimum require the Merchant to be in business as least 1 year...maybe 2 depending on cost .Also interested in money near term?? What's near term???..7 days? 2 months? and willing to talk on the phone to a funding advisor..no emails

Here are the add-ons and where the discrepancies occur
10k per month?
10 deposits?
5 NSF's max?
use of funds?
balance on current advances 50%?
Stacked 2 max? 3 max?
Liens /Bankrupcies?

Are they even going to ask any of these things? If they do not; why not just have someone sit in front of you or in the next rooms and when they get a live person on, throw a cordless phone across the room and yell like some of my brokers " I have someone on the line!!!!" lol

You can ask for the live transfer to be conferenced in, a phone introduction before they leave...halts the massive dropped calls
Some double verify
As most stated the problem comes in the follow-up. It has been my experience that if you can't break thru the gatekeeper on the first phone call by yourself, you will not have the ability to get the merchant on the phone for the second phone call after the call is transferred to you and have an initial conversation and they hang up. Then you burnt the lead and you are going to then say"the leads suck" when they do not.
There must be reasonable expectations set on the initial call. Anyone can call people and offer 5-year terms for 0%, sbas etc ( being facetious) to advances to someone with a 300 credit score, 1 million in mechanics liens.You must know what they are saying on the phone to get the lead transferred to you.