As a broker and not a direct funder, I am always open to new ideas, so Scott and Jerry have helped me delve into Hard Money Lending. With the programs I know what to offer, 2-4 points origination plus 8-10% interest-only payments up to 18 months are pretty standard.

RE deals make 20-30% TOPS yearly ROI. There is collateral involved. HM lenders know they can always collect from an investment property easily without the complications of foreclosure on a primary (hence needing it to be an investment property). It's called REAL estate for a reason. The guy has decent credit, he won't walk away with the keys.

Imagine a brand new RE investor (not high risk) who wants a deal where he only has to put up 10% of the purchase price. The HML will often cover 90% of the down, 100% of the rehab, IO payments for up to 18 months (at most, 12 is standard), and then they can sell it or re-fi that into a mortgage with Scott @ Velocity.

Us brokers can do this. We just need to feel comfortable making less percentage per deal (5-7 points) and working it longer than a simple "one page app and your last 3 bank statements," even though you'll probably make more money on each client (5 points at $150,000 is worth more than 8 points of $25,000). AND you'll have more clients.

Non-business people have their dream goals set at 10% ROI yearly. 30% interest [MCA] does not speak to your average Joe, and especially your average RE investor. With the credit line programs you can offer (I'll introduce you for free), you can help the average guy get his feet into a solid investment with almost 100% financing.

Anyone care to join me? Email me, PM is so annoying, and everyone afraid to say who they really are. You'll make money on this, and you'll get to know Scott Buchholz at Velocity, a genuinely nice guy.