I started in this business ~17 years ago as a Merchant Services rep.. things were much easier back then.. just call businesses all day on Monday.. set up your appointments for the rest of the week.. then go drive around and sell like crazy. That industry died for me though..

The way I got to where I am is just what others are saying.. with a twist.. I put in my dues.. pounded the pavement.. and once I had enough contacts on my own something wonderful started happening.. My cell phone started ringing! Whether you work for a company as a W2 or you work for yourself you are going to have to put in your dues.

I personally say that doing it yourself is the way to go.. You can probably get 60-70k a year working for a shop.. but working for yourself you can make that off 1 deal! Plus the hours and commute and unbeatable lol.. It just takes some time to get your pipeline filled up.

It took me 4 to 5 years to really get to where I was spending my time working deals instead of pounding the pavement. You should be able to do it faster.. especially if you concentrate on this 1 industry instead of running several (I did credit cards and restaurant POS for a long time with lending taking a 3rd position to those 2)

It is tough not getting a paycheck for months at a time sometimes.. but when you hit that one big deal that turns into 4 or 5 referrals for other deals it becomes all worth it.