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  • alexsmith's Avatar
    Today, 12:23 AM
    I noticed many people use ACH and Wire Transfers interchangeably as they both solve the same situation. My question is the following: Which is faster? I couldn't care less about anything else other than speed. What makes it a complicated comparison is that there only one type of Wire transfer. Its just plain old wire transfer. With ACH, there's ACH & Same-Day ACH (usually costing extra) The question here is this: Is Wire Transfer faster than Regular ACH? Is it faster than same-Day ACH? Or is Wire Transfer faster than Regular ACH but Same-Day ACH is faster than all, including wires? Sorry for the confusing explanation, im barely grasping it myself :)
    0 replies | 20 view(s)
  • Olderguy's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:08 PM
    Sounds like primary residence if they are looking for a broker licensed in the state. What state is the client located? If it isn't Florida or California - my best suggestion is talk to a local real estate broker who can refer them to a licensed local mortgage broker.
    3 replies | 82 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:20 PM
    That's what these guys do golden? I thought they're dsfgrps higher risk platform?
    2 replies | 783 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:51 AM
    U funded a deal. Didn't get paid. Then funded 2 more expecting to get paid? Sounds like horse****
    24 replies | 990 view(s) | |
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