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  • FundKite's Avatar
    Today, 04:49 PM
    FundKite replied to a thread FundKite do Backbite? in Deal Bin
    Please email us with the Merchant name and your information. Let's investigate asap.
    10 replies | 1489 view(s) | |
  • abfunders's Avatar
    Today, 04:38 PM We literally talked about this on the forum a few weeks ago, welcome aboard and feel free to smash that like and subscribe button.... Wait, I mean utilize the search bar
    1 replies | 12 view(s) | |
  • Cavalafundingsolutions's Avatar
    Today, 04:37 PM
    Who funds with Bluevine bank statements ?
    1 replies | 12 view(s)
  • Fundthis!'s Avatar
    Today, 03:33 PM
    Fundthis! replied to a thread 1st postition trucking in Deal Bin
    we will
    6 replies | 236 view(s) | |
  • Fundthis!'s Avatar
    Today, 03:30 PM
    We will take a look at it
    5 replies | 188 view(s) | |
  • FundingCaptain's Avatar
    Today, 02:37 PM
    Today thru the 31st is our Summer bonus. Fund 2 new deals or more and get a 1 point bonus.... Fund 4 deals or more and get a 2 point bonus! just a reminder, our first position renewals work like a line of credit. So long as they dont stack, we will give them an add on rather than refinance their balance and net the difference.
    0 replies | 21 view(s)
  • Bscs's Avatar
    Today, 01:58 PM
    Another thing if the Merchant Marketplace people are on here. If a deal defaults within the clawback period, I think the syndicators should get their share in the clawback back..... Thats just my opinion, does anyone think otherwise? I have a deal I syndicated in on 12/12. after missing a whole bunch of payments, the last payment that ever cleared was on 1/16. but there probably shouldve been a clawback. I have no clue forsure if it was clawed back, but if it was, I feel like I should get the commision back too...
    25 replies | 3952 view(s) | |
  • Seth Davis's Avatar
    Today, 01:44 PM
    Seth Davis replied to a thread June special in Promotions
    I will never understand pitching brokers like they are merchants
    6 replies | 249 view(s) | |
  • DTFdowntofund's Avatar
    Today, 01:44 PM
    Pretty sure everyone knows that; this is a current Fundkite specific conversation, not an industry wide discussion
    14 replies | 4087 view(s) | |
  • RickyR3712's Avatar
    Today, 01:31 PM
    Yes, not sure your point. When i submitted them a deal a couple of years back ,I got called from 2 different funders letting me know that fundkite submitted my app to them. Because of this I did not fund the deal with them. I do not think those iso reps will come on record as they will have nothing to gain and will just lose fundkite business.
    42 replies | 1581 view(s) | |
  • TheUnderwriter's Avatar
    Today, 01:12 PM
    TheUnderwriter replied to a thread June special in Promotions
    Did you just assume this persons gender with the 'bro' comment? How dare you Stephanie!
    6 replies | 249 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Today, 12:50 PM
    Check prev posters out. I think samson libertas and wall st funding do these. Greenbox too.
    4 replies | 296 view(s) | |
  • MNY Capital's Avatar
    Today, 12:36 PM
    Onboarding ISO's Call, Text, Email today to get signed up and take advantage of our JULY BONUS!!!! (646) 598-9380
    0 replies | 26 view(s)
  • microboby's Avatar
    Today, 12:20 PM
    The 150K in deposits is not revenue . Prob only 20% or so if that so you'd be safe to say he can get 10 to 20K Advance which im sure wont help a lot .. Try Pearl or Tmrnow
    4 replies | 296 view(s) | |
  • Olderguy's Avatar
    Today, 12:12 PM
    Olderguy replied to a thread June special in Promotions
    Promotions section bro.
    6 replies | 249 view(s) | |
  • diditevenfund's Avatar
    Today, 12:10 PM
    diditevenfund replied to a thread June special in Promotions
    1st-10ths and defaults. Lol.
    6 replies | 249 view(s) | |
  • Sam@electrafunding's Avatar
    Today, 12:06 PM
    Sam@electrafunding replied to a thread June special in Promotions
    New intern LOL
    6 replies | 249 view(s) | |
  • MovingMoney's Avatar
    Today, 11:57 AM
    Good Morning, Im not sure why you guys are in disbelief! it truly happens more often then not, when it comes to the dollar all ethics are off the table, That is a fact! i have experienced this with 2 other lenders in the last 3 months
    14 replies | 4087 view(s) | |
  • SouthfloridaMCA's Avatar
    Today, 11:55 AM
    SouthfloridaMCA replied to a thread June special in Promotions
    Its july bruhhhh
    6 replies | 249 view(s) | |
  • closer129's Avatar
    Today, 11:53 AM
    My company does cc splits on all positions if there is room and have strong daily balances. If they have poor daily balances then we will only do a cc split as a first position. We have an adjustable ach program for seasonal business as well. Our first position renewals cc split or ach is a true add on which is kind of like a line of credit and we do not cap the dollar amount like some line of credit program like other funders. We also allow brokers to syndicate on there files. Scott Platto 212-220-9872
    6 replies | 205 view(s) | |
  • Sam@electrafunding's Avatar
    Today, 11:52 AM
    Hello ISO'S we are offering a July special for all new iso's that sign up with Electra Funding in July. All first deals funded together will receive a 15 point commission. Our submission process is simple. Please send all files to our submission's email with 3 months of recent bank statements. Offers will be sent back within the hour only stips needed for contracts are DL and VC. We fund positions 1st-10th and prior defaults as well. We fund all industries. Looking forward to working with you all thanks have a blessed day. Best Regards, Sam Roth| Managing Partner Email: Phone: 516-757-8601
    6 replies | 249 view(s)
  • diditevenfund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:11 PM
    Fundkite under extreme assault on numerous threads? lol
    9 replies | 2979 view(s) | |
  • Risker's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:34 PM
    I agree with FundKite on this one. I have no idea if they’re a real funder or just a white label but if I was a broker calling out fundkite for stealing commissions I’d much rather get paid 5x commissions than have my post answered online. After making that promise I don’t think it’s necessary for him to comment on each individual post. Will he keep to his word on this post? I have no idea but I’d say it’s definitely worth trying.
    42 replies | 1581 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:37 AM
    Back at it again is a good rap song.
    14 replies | 4087 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:32 AM
    Zonefund replied to a thread FundKite in Merchant Cash Advance
    His response was fantastic
    9 replies | 2979 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:37 AM
    Zonefund replied to a thread FundKite do Backbite? in Deal Bin
    Any idea what their dba is or entity for their direct side, and the broker submission merchant dissapearance squad?
    10 replies | 1489 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:35 AM
    Zonefund replied to a thread FundKite do Backbite? in Deal Bin
    I am sorry to hear about this man. You're one of the many. Thanks for sharing your experience.
    10 replies | 1489 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:33 AM
    Zonefund replied to a thread Fundkite in Merchant Cash Advance
    You aren't a funder but I'd submit to you if you and fundkite were my same option. Some $ is better then no $.
    18 replies | 4398 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:32 AM
    Zonefund replied to a thread Fundkite in Merchant Cash Advance
    Funny ****. Mine didnt ghost but told me at the last minute he got called by an iso who somehow knew he had issues getting funded, who somehow immediatly sent him a contract and funded him w/ no other stips (he only sent his poo dl vc to me). I had no response for 2 days from fundkite :). Egor treated me the same way he probably treats his wife or mother.
    18 replies | 4398 view(s) | |
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