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  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Today, 11:37 AM
    Back at it again is a good rap song.
    12 replies | 3806 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Today, 07:32 AM
    Zonefund replied to a thread FundKite in Merchant Cash Advance
    His response was fantastic
    8 replies | 2732 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Today, 06:37 AM
    Zonefund replied to a thread FundKite do Backbite? in Deal Bin
    Any idea what their dba is or entity for their direct side, and the broker submission merchant dissapearance squad?
    9 replies | 1441 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Today, 06:35 AM
    Zonefund replied to a thread FundKite do Backbite? in Deal Bin
    I am sorry to hear about this man. You're one of the many. Thanks for sharing your experience.
    9 replies | 1441 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Today, 06:33 AM
    Zonefund replied to a thread Fundkite in Merchant Cash Advance
    You aren't a funder but I'd submit to you if you and fundkite were my same option. Some $ is better then no $.
    18 replies | 4277 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Today, 06:32 AM
    Zonefund replied to a thread Fundkite in Merchant Cash Advance
    Funny ****. Mine didnt ghost but told me at the last minute he got called by an iso who somehow knew he had issues getting funded, who somehow immediatly sent him a contract and funded him w/ no other stips (he only sent his poo dl vc to me). I had no response for 2 days from fundkite :). Egor treated me the same way he probably treats his wife or mother.
    18 replies | 4277 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Today, 06:30 AM
    Zonefund replied to a thread Fundkite in Merchant Cash Advance
    Egor probably made an override on this.
    18 replies | 4277 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Today, 06:29 AM
    Zonefund replied to a thread Fundkite in Merchant Cash Advance
    Sorry to hear about your experience. It seems they've been called out here multiple times but the ceo hasn't responded to anyone.
    18 replies | 4277 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Today, 06:28 AM
    Zonefund replied to a thread Fundkite in Merchant Cash Advance
    The first time i submitted to them, they were my only choice to get a decent approval to the file. After login was done, etc, (300k file fyi, i couldn't sell anything c- to d paper to him, i had a 1.369 sell via fundkite making 7), my file couldn't get an FC scheduled for 2 days. Lo and behold, within that time, an iso reached out to my merchant, somehow knew his funding was held up elsewhere, and sent a contract with the same offer (sell, term, $ amount) through delta, and funded him w/o needing stips (he had them all somehow). I never used them since. I don't take unnecessary risks. I don't believe it was another funder, or a broker using the same marketing as me. The same day he got funded elsewhere i finally got an update that it was declined for a reason that made zero sense.
    18 replies | 4277 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Today, 06:21 AM
    You really have the time to respond here, but, you're not going to respond to any posts here that have called you out?
    40 replies | 1299 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Today, 05:44 AM
    Forgot to mention dsf rates are high, similar to tvt, id use em and tvt if the others reject.
    7 replies | 191 view(s) | |
  • MichaelMorgan's Avatar
    Today, 04:00 AM
    I recently checked my credit score and was shocked to see it's a 477. I know I haven't been perfect with my finances, but I had no idea it was that bad. I've already started making on-time payments and reducing my debt. I would appreciate some personal stories from people who have found themselves in similar position in the past.
    0 replies | 27 view(s)
  • Olderguy's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:12 PM
    Olderguy replied to a thread Accounting firm in cali in Deal Bin
    You can do a second SBA loan you know....three months after the first one...
    1 replies | 27 view(s) | |
  • SimonFunds2025's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:33 PM
    has an sba already needs term loan financing tax returns are near $2mm with 2023 extension filed does about 300k a month anthony 646 202 0095
    1 replies | 27 view(s)
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:10 PM
    12months + and good rates for 2nd: Iou (idk their cap $ amount on consolidation) Vox Wall street funding Byzfunder Lg funding Pirs Dsfgrp These are guys ive seen offer 12 month seconds. Can u give info on the funders in the 1st and 2nd? Terms? Hopefully some of these funders aren't on there. Also if credits really good, im not sure why but i ran with it, ive gotten 2nd pos offers from ondeck, one was 200k 1.30sell 12months behind libertas, either it was due to the guys fico being gold or they didn't catch the first w libertas.
    7 replies | 191 view(s) | |
  • 1Loanguy's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:31 PM
    go ahead and message me your information.
    7 replies | 191 view(s) | |
  • 1Loanguy's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:30 PM
    GAS - Gross annual sales. Your out of florida?
    7 replies | 191 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:55 PM
    Hey shannon, is funderial direct? What type of rates etc? Do they only do cc splits? Asking since i like expanding what i offer merchants.
    5 replies | 152 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:54 PM
    Apologies i haven't seen 12 months on auto sales for years.
    16 replies | 3557 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:53 PM
    Global merchant is wall st?
    16 replies | 3557 view(s) | |
  • SBF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:33 PM
    Libertas offers term loans chartered by Web Bank out to 20 months.. weekly/bi-weekly/monthly terms, up to $1.5M. You could also do a portion with Salaryo, $500k max, 24 monthly payments, true loan, but the bank must successfully link with Plaid. Usually 24% APR.
    23 replies | 860 view(s) | |
  • SBF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:09 PM
    Quikstone is the OG and the very best at the cc splits. 1st position only though. If you need a 2nd position cc split, check with Funderial.. they are very good too.
    5 replies | 152 view(s) | |
  • SBF's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:53 PM
    He’s doing about $600k/month in revenue, correct? You said Gas.. does that mean this is a gas station? If so, is it only gas sales? I may have a few sources this could work with.
    7 replies | 191 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:45 AM
    They beat u on a deal?
    1 replies | 155 view(s) | |
  • Olderguy's Avatar
    06-28-2024, 10:29 PM
    Have you or you client looked into alternative sources of funding instead of another MCA position which really isn't in the long term best interests for your client?
    7 replies | 191 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    06-28-2024, 08:30 PM
    What were the terms, funders, factors, and dollar amounts, and which funders?
    7 replies | 191 view(s) | |
  • 1Loanguy's Avatar
    06-28-2024, 08:05 PM
    Pros of this client: A credit personal B+ Credit Business 7MM GAS 236220 Commercial and Institutional Building Construction Current Positions: 1. 135k 2. 105K Cons: He won't work with any MCA lender/funder east of the Colorado River (weird, I know) Had a default five years ago that was paid in full within 5-6 weeks. Request: He wants either 250K over 12 to pay for the smaller position or 3rd 150K over 12. Tough I am aware. The client is also a good friend and golfing buddy, so he won't speak with any lender or funder until there is approval of 12 months. If interested please me your information. Hope everyone has a good 4th of July
    7 replies | 191 view(s)
  • Olderguy's Avatar
    06-28-2024, 07:44 PM
    belongs in promotions, bro....and check the posting requirements there
    1 replies | 99 view(s) | |
  • Collinscash's Avatar
    06-28-2024, 07:19 PM
    As a business funding broker, you're constantly seeking reliable and effective solutions to help your clients secure the necessary funds to grow and succeed. I wanted to introduce you to a service that could significantly enhance your offerings: Why 1. Tailored Funding Solutions provides a variety of funding options designed to meet the unique needs of different businesses. Whether your clients are looking for traditional loans, alternative funding sources, or specific grants, has them covered. 2. Fast and Flexible Approval Process In the fast-paced world of business, time is of the essence. offers a streamlined application process with quick approval times, allowing your clients to access the funds they need without unnecessary delays. 3. Expertise and Support With a team of experienced funding experts, offers personalized support to help your clients navigate the complexities of business financing. Their expertise ensures that your clients receive the best possible advice and funding solutions tailored to their specific circumstances. 4. Comprehensive Resources Beyond funding, provides a wealth of resources to help businesses thrive. From market research tools to business planning guides, they equip entrepreneurs with the knowledge and tools needed for sustained success. Success Stories has a proven track record of helping businesses of all sizes and industries secure the funding they need. By partnering with them, you can be confident that your clients are in good hands and poised for success. Get Started Today Join the network of successful brokers who have already benefited from's exceptional services. Visit to learn more about how they can support your clients and elevate your brokerage services. By leveraging's expertise and resources, you can provide unparalleled value to your clients, helping them achieve their business goals and aspirations. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your service offerings and grow your brokerage business. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further information. Let's help our clients achieve their dreams together! APPLY NOW Or contact us Smart Business Funding Toll-Free Number:1-866-Re-Smart Fax: 347.402.1650 Email:
    1 replies | 99 view(s)
  • aaron4235's Avatar
    06-28-2024, 05:23 PM
    It is owner occupied but im looking for a lender, not looking to co-broker or superbroker this file. Basically looking for a company similar to WBL with better rates
    9 replies | 197 view(s) | |
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