Lead quality is such an open ended issue and so relative to so many aspects and differing factors that you don't simply quantify it in best or worse it. An iso consisting of 2 -3 people is different than one with a 50 man call floor, versus a direct lender with 5 people and underwriting in the next office. One group would prefer 7 -10 highly qualified and vetted leads for the whole day, while another group would be very happy with 300 phone calls for the day that converted into 50 complete applications, while another would prefer 5 packages that they can make an offer on the same day and get guaranteed contracts signed and delivered within 24 hrs. So how do you know which lead provider is better?

There has to be synergy between the provider and the funder, where the operations and the competitive advantages of the funder are understood (great one to one relationship management, ability to handle high volume inexpensively, ability to fund within 24 hours, ability to offer most competitive rates, additional services offered, etc.). Then you provide the funder with the type of leads that gives them the best ROI for the way they are set up.

Make an offer, I dare you...