Good afternoon Daily Funder, haven't posted on here in a while, but I just want to take this moment and thank all our partners for continuing to trust us and keeping us on your top A- & B paper funder list. ISO's are telling me that this month is a little slower then usual, but not here at Legend. Yesterday we sent a 150k contract at 10 am, ISO send all docs back this morning and we funded the deal today at 4 pm. ISO sold it at a 1.34 rate and made 7 points on the payback amount (RTR). On top of all that the ISO hit our bonus and will be getting extra 2 points. Again, we would not do it without our amazing partners that work with us.

We are a straight forward shop. The brokers that clearly know our box are the ones making the most money. We don't want 20 submissions from you a day because we are not a "high risk send us all your declines type of shop", just send the right paper and you will have a nice closing ratio with us.

As always I am available to answer any of your questions. Feel free to call or email me if you want to sign up.

Enjoy this beautiful day!