Karen, if you can point to a single shop on Long Island or NYC who will let a rep walk in the door sit down and earn 50% out of the gate feel free to let me know. You know how many reps I had walk in my door who have "worked" at other shops and they say hey I am getting 30% now give me 40% and I will work for you then once they in the door they dont even know how a merchant qualifies for a deal. Also the salary based closer jobs have to meet monthly quotas and from reps who I have spoken to that have these quotas would basically make them more money on a 50% split. I dont know much about the copy who posted this but if they are offering 50% right off the bat they will keep way more reps than most brokershops in the area. Not saying they will all be quality and I am sure they will fire alot and most will burn out but they will 100% stay there longer than most shops around here.