Touché, all Publicity is good publicity as long as it's intelligent. The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.

Every one starts as the new kid on the block, it's easy to over sell and offer the "Kanagaroos" . As the adage goes; Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

The point I'm driving here is that if you wanted to learn Karate you wouldn't ask the first year student to guide you through the proper technique. Wise is the Sensei who holds the knowledge and has truly perfected his art. Torro obviously has been around much longer, we have the experience. We have a proven process and reputation, we will never misrepresent any of our products, services or partners as those are our foundation. We've created a strong network of relationships throughout our entire book of business. We truly value our partnerships, clients, and reputation.

We offer the highest payouts, the experience, and transparency, email us at

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