Hello everyone,

I'm new here and hope my question isn't out of line with any of your policies. I had an idea for a business and I wanted to run one aspect past you, since you are much more knowledgeable about your industry than I am.

The crux of the matter: What do you do with your declines? Do they sit and collect dust? Can I buy declined leads from brokers? Is there any reason (regulatory, legal, contractual) that I couldn't do this?

Before the "selling confidential information to an internet stranger" pitchforks come out, let me tell you why I'm asking.

I am not a lender nor a financial broker. I have a background in business turn around, financial restructuring, debt mitigation, and business development. I have a history of working with struggling businesses to help them settle their debts, renegotiate contracts (leases, loans, vendor agreements, etc.) and get cashflow positive.

My theory is that if a company is getting declined for a loan (especially a high interest MCA that seem to be relatively easy to qualify for) that the decline is a symptom of other financial problems that they may be having (poor cashflow, low bank balance, bad credit, over extension of credit/creditors, multiple loans, poor AP/AR management, etc.). AND, I believe that receiving the loan may not necessarily solve their problems--since I have seen a number of companies use MCA funds to do things like pay their payroll...as opposed to growing their business (such as funding a PO).

I have been building a network of people who can provide services to help struggling businesses, but we need to find people to help. I want to connect people who need help with people who can provide help. And, make a buck in the process.

So, any input on this? Is this something that you as a broker would feel comfortable doing?

(I'm still in investigation mode, so I don't have the standard company credentials that you may ask for just yet).

Eager to hear your thoughts!