Quote Originally Posted by J456 View Post
Are credit repair companies legit?. I have a few merchants inquiring about this. If they are which ones.
The one I work with does a really thorough job, and he's giving me an unbeatable price that you can upsell. Results are whatever they'll be - it's not a magic wand. A product exists in the market which is credit repair - and that is worth money. The question is how do YOU make money from it, and how do YOU price it.

I work closely with one who only takes corporate clients, so you can't be backdoored. He's working only on volume, and so am I. Basically, UNLIMITED attempts until FULL customer satisfaction, one flat fee. You can up-sell a "per removal" basis if you'd like - makes the clients feel comfortable. But that's your call.

Sometimes it goes for $3000!! I just did an up-sell of $999 that I will bring her to Funding Circle afterwards, and then hopefully to get her LOC. But the point is that I made money off of her so far. As of now, I've seen all her extra inquiries (60 of them!) fall off, all included in the price.
Inquiry removal can go for $50/inquiry! Had I known at that time that he was going to include inquiry removal, I would have charged her $1499!

Many repair companies are fakers and over-promise. The one I work with does not over-promise, but gives us a new way to monetize our clients and HELP them. He also gives our clients FULL customer service and has 20 years of experience doing so.

FULL customer service (we collect docs and hand off and don't EVER have to touch him)
FULL back-office support for the clients

He wants me to start bringing him 150 clients/month.