Let me qualify this by saying - I absolutely suck at selling MCA. I am not saying that in jest, I am saying it because its true. I've sold a whole bunch of other stuff, but my "book" is worth a shiny nickel now - if anyone wants to buy it - send me a penny and its yours!

With that being said, I've had the chance to chat with ISO's, sales managers, marketing managers, and even listen to a ton of calls of reps doing what they do.

Two takeaways from those who are successful is - they spend more time on pipeline than they do working deals.

The second thing is that they maintain frame control. "You need me just like 1,000 others need me, my time is thin."

There's a machine - an artist I've seen at work. The way he works deals is like good music.

He never ever ever ever ever for one second lets the merchant know that the merchant is this guys' meal ticket.

Imagine selling cash advance DMV style?

I am a witness.

It works.

The problem is - is guys are not minding their math. If you know only X in Y deals is going to close (for any reason) over Z time, then shouldn't your energy be focused on pipeline - "Y"?

Guys are spending too much time working deals vs. focusing on pipeline and trusting that "I am a sales rep - I am no match for historical math and stats."