Also, one lender told me to focus on restaurants for MCAs, and OnDeck Capital explained that they do small business loans instead of HCAs, which he said were cheaper for the merchants and sounded like an easier sell. He also explained how low the bar was for their loans - like a 500 credit score, 3K in the bank, a couple thousand in processing, and at least a year in business, and said they dedcut by ACH, avoiding all the processing complications. (I think I remembered all this right, but details may be slightly different).

It might have been you (C01), but someone in one of the other threads said they were doing over 800K per month, mainly through ODC. So it sounds like using them may be one of the secrets. So far though, ODC is the only lender that said I'd need to pay a fee to get signed up ($95), which I guess isn't bad for being a newbie, since this probably weeds out the folks who aren't serious at all.

I'd still love to hear some more success secrets though