Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
Hi everyone. I am new to the business so I need a bit of guidance on this. I helped fund a merchant with a loan. He signed an ACH agreement for my fees I was able to get him funded. Here is my question who do I use to collect the fees from his account? Any help would be appreciated. Thank You
Nick- I believe we spoke on the phone and email a few times where you picked my brain and asked for help with certain things. You clearly stated in your conversation that you were "different" than those who are ruining this industry. I've since then reached out about new developments that can help you and you haven't responded.

With that being said- Does the funding company that funded this "loan" know that you were charging fees? Who cares about that right? So, your broker company got paid the commissions but had them sign your ACH agreement which is probably not legal because if it was legal and you requested "how to" collect fees you would know you would need to have an account with an ACH company (which is hard to do) and with the looks of where your going and the way your company conducts business probably won't happen.

Go ahead and keep tarnishing the "ISO" "Broker" business and see where you are in a year from now.