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  • TheUnderwriter's Avatar
    Today, 09:54 AM
    And the Dossier was proven too but of course no court, felonies, convictions for her. It was on the news for maybe 2 days then nothing. I still hear people talking how Trump is a russian spy. Its amazing how many sheep their are in this country.
    41 replies | 1793 view(s) | |
  • mca2150's Avatar
    Today, 09:23 AM
    The amount of voided checks and SSNs on Centrex means this incident could be catastrophic. When do we get more information on what was stolen and who was involved? (yes I'm a Centrex user).
    3 replies | 522 view(s) | |
  • TheConfidentBroker's Avatar
    Today, 09:14 AM
    Daily Funder vet here. Maybe you’re using this forum wrong. Let me enlighten the world on this magnificent site that is so simple yet so powerful. 1: Public search. Most of what’s posted or replied comes up in an online search. Whether bad or good - sometimes your questions and answers are found by the right people and either a: save someone b: meet someone. I always stress that any scam or fraud he posted in its own thread with detail as Merchants search for companies and most times can’t find them online. Your input helps others from making big mistakes. 2: Yeah… some of us are older. But it’s been 10-20 years since the inception of our space and those who gradually became experts in our field and networking. When I first came on here I got pushed around and I was told I help too many people for free. It’s a forum… you help people, connect people, and guide them. Simple. I’ve weirdly made some of the greatest friends from DF too. Weird but this forum has brought people together from all parts of the country and grew the audience into debanked events. 3: When all the other networking platforms and messaging groups go away… DF will still be here. People try to replicate and “do better” but they lack the long standing luster and swag that comes with simplicity. Yeah we may not all agree with the sponsors on the site and I sometimes questions who tf is that? Or why tf are they here?! They’re not a funder! Etc. but you don’t go in someone else’s house and force them to redecorate. This is Sean’s house. If you don’t like something… control it. This forum is nothing if no one posts. There’s more lurking eyes than commenters. If you want provide more. If your friends have been banned and can’t be on here with you…. Ask yourself why. If there is ever an issue it’s not like you don’t know who to call/email. Maybe we all forgot the human aspect of things and we all seem more moody and disgruntled lately but what do you expect when the forum gets bombed by iso reps who constantly post “I can do that!” Copy/paste aggressive guidelines. In closing… get over it. DF ain’t going anywhere.
    5 replies | 143 view(s) | |
  • brandon_'s Avatar
    Today, 07:46 AM
    You say that as if you're paying for it. This is an awesome forum that is FREE for the public. New guys can come on here and ask questions and get answers from the veterans. Veterans can go on here and ask for advice on who is funding which type of deals. Everyone can say who not to work with. It's all organized in one easy place to access all types of information. I think it's an awesome tool that everyone should keep a pulse on if you're in the industry.
    5 replies | 143 view(s) | |
  • FundingExpert's Avatar
    Today, 12:14 AM
    FlexCap Solutions in Connecticut is a great brokerage firm to work with. High commission split for brokers. Fast responses on files. 100% transparency. 40+ lenders all paper accepted. MCA, SBA, Equipment Financing, Lines of Credit, Cash out Refinancing and more. Michael C. Krepak, Mba || CEO Corporate Funding & Consulting Firm FlexCap Solutions LLC Stamford, CT Office: 888.337.5557 Direct: 203.253.1512 Web: FlexCap.Solutions
    9 replies | 473 view(s) | |
  • Lexicon Data's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:08 PM
    Getting great feedback and the channel is growing daily. Join us for access to our daily sales. Thank you!
    1 replies | 246 view(s) | |
  • Shorebird's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:54 PM That is the ISO liaison? Try that email.
    9 replies | 473 view(s) | |
  • Zapfunding's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:28 PM
    I’ve been hearing this do you work with anyone specific at rok?
    9 replies | 473 view(s) | |
  • admin's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:12 PM
    admin replied to a thread Daily Funder value in Everything else
    DailyFunder is free to use and view. All new registrants are manually approved (or declined). We decline multiple registrations per day so you never even see them! You can click on any user's profile and use the "ignore" feature so that you don't even see their posts DailyFunder has banned hundreds of people related to potential misrepresentation or fraud This year we broke our single 1-day site traffic record We are always looking for ways to improve nonetheless.
    5 replies | 143 view(s) | |
  • GetCapitalNow's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:47 PM
    I would suggest MCA Simplified
    3 replies | 213 view(s) | |
  • Finance Guru's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:40 PM
    Look into Easify. Enjoy texting!
    3 replies | 213 view(s) | |
  • ADVENTUREFG's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:38 PM
    Hey, If merchant needs up to 30k this may be something we can fund for you! We fund PR second + Feel free to reach out anytime
    1 replies | 101 view(s) | |
  • Yankeeman07's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:31 PM
    You have opt-in data?
    3 replies | 213 view(s) | |
  • Mikefunds's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:06 PM
    Solid deal, need 2nd pos. Restaurant/Bar out of Puerto Rico... Call me if you're lending there, would love to start a new relationship, thank you. (502)909-4136
    1 replies | 101 view(s)
  • MNY Capital's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:00 PM
    PMd you
    1 replies | 293 view(s) | |
  • mcaconsultant's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:24 PM
    I appreciate the transparency and accountability. I've used Centrex Software for over 7 years and have seen the dedication that the team puts into both their tech's security as well as the integrity of the Centrex team to know that my data is always safe. The largest tech companies in the world have data breaches. It's been refreshing to see how the Centrex team has prioritized making sure that the vulnerability was fixed as quickly as possible and for taking such accountability.
    3 replies | 522 view(s) | |
  • Olderguy's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:13 PM
    send you message...
    1 replies | 73 view(s) | |
  • Funds4u's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:59 PM
    trump convicted on 34 counts of what was at worst a misdimeanor bookeeping error 4 years after statute of limitations expired although nobody has said how else a payment to a lawyer should be listed other than legal fee as it was listed. And a felony of apparently influencing an election added although the actually felony was never said by the prosecutor, it was just assumed trump did some felony he was covering up by stating a legal fee was a legal fee. Hillary Clinton pays for a fake dossier which was absolutly intended to influence an election and proven to be fake and nothing happens... It all sounds pretty fair to me..
    41 replies | 1793 view(s) | |
  • Joseph BT16's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:39 PM
    Still up and running ?
    2 replies | 1152 view(s) | |
  • Joseph BT16's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:38 PM
    Hello Everyone I'm looking for a platform that will let me do Blast texting for MCA Anyone have any suggestions or what I should do?
    3 replies | 213 view(s)
  • llhjr5's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:30 PM
    Our company was established in 2018. We are looking for AR Funding. We have $500k in AR that are coming due in the next 2-3 months. Our monthly deposits are up and down due to our pay model. Clients can choose to pay us up front and pay a lower fee for our services or they can choose to defer the fee and pay us later. We have signed agreements with all clients. Our clients are not businesses, they are individual 1099 contract workers. Over the past 5 Months most of our clients chose the deferred payment option so our deposits are as follows over the past few months. $12k, $59k, $53k, $23k, $8k, $24k.---- We are wanting a loan based on our AR of $500k, not a loan based on our last 5 months bank statements. If you are someone who can do this or has contacts please email me at ---let me know what you think you can do as we as your contact information and me and my partner will contact you asap. Thanks so much
    1 replies | 73 view(s)
  • Michael I's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:11 PM
    still has value but defiantly declined over the last 2 years
    5 replies | 143 view(s) | |
  • MaximumCash's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:10 PM
    Do you do ISO deals?
    3 replies | 366 view(s) | |
  • diditevenfund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:40 PM
    I think it has some value, but yeah a couple guys just sit on here that cant generate business for sure.
    5 replies | 143 view(s) | |
  • Zapfunding's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:26 PM
    Top reps - where are we sitting at for the year ? Anyone brave enough to share units / revenue / volume year to date?
    0 replies | 224 view(s)
  • goatFunding's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:23 PM
    No skin in the game here. But I have seen Jaffe Capital in statements many times... could be a white label.. no idea
    40 replies | 7937 view(s) | |
  • ridextreme's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:12 PM
    I believe RRN more than all the fact checkers and Wikipedia, but that's just me. Only time will tell (about 5 months).
    41 replies | 1793 view(s) | |
  • brokerCompany's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:09 PM
    Anyone else see this daily funder not worth much. All you have is the older guy spamming and more scammers on this site.
    5 replies | 143 view(s)
  • Yankeeman07's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:01 PM
    Thank you for the info You are not alone -
    3 replies | 522 view(s) | |
  • josh_elevated's Avatar
    2 replies | 637 view(s) | |
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