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  • Top G's Avatar
    Today, 10:50 AM
    How about you just fund more deals instead of writing essays on daily funder lol
    54 replies | 3080 view(s) | |
  • Michael I's Avatar
    Today, 10:37 AM
    i guess now we know why they did this post . to get ahead of it
    17 replies | 1754 view(s) | |
  • DailyCloser's Avatar
    Today, 10:12 AM
    Do we have any updates here? A recent lawsuit was just filed of someone suing Centrex for backdooring data.
    17 replies | 1754 view(s) | |
  • MNY Capital's Avatar
    Today, 10:10 AM
    We fund previous defaults, with payment history after the default
    2 replies | 254 view(s) | |
  • PopCrumbs's Avatar
    Today, 08:11 AM
    Pretty much this, id say if you want good calls you'll be at $50. The $30 calls if real are going to be your more desperate people who are just happy someone made the offer to them. I also posted prior you should always look up when they registered their domain name, just go to a site like scroll to the bottom of the page look for the Whois link, click it and enter their website and see how long ago it was set up. no website dont even work with them. Email is a free mail service dont work with them either. Heres dailyfunder who has a 12 year birthday coming up this month of the idea shawn had
    18 replies | 465 view(s) | |
  • abfunders's Avatar
    Today, 08:05 AM
    Prompt in ChatGPT: I'm trying to show someone what mansplaining is. It's a horrible way to speak, but perhaps you can give me an example? Mansplain AI to me and how it can be programed so that people don't realize it's AI. Response: "Oh, let me explain this to you. AI, or artificial intelligence, is like when computers do smart things that usually people do. You know, it's a bit complicated, so bear with me. Imagine a super fancy calculator, but instead of just doing math, it can also make decisions, learn from data, and even recognize patterns. Now, when it comes to programming AI to fool people into thinking it's a real human, well, that’s really advanced stuff. Basically, you write algorithms – those are like detailed instructions for the computer – and you feed them tons of data so the AI can learn and mimic human behavior. It’s really intricate, so don’t worry if you don’t get all the details. The key is that with enough data and the right programming, AI can respond in ways that seem very human-like. But you don’t need to get bogged down with all the technical stuff, just know it’s pretty advanced and really fascinating!" This type of explanation is condescending because it oversimplifies and assumes the listener can't understand complex concepts, even though they might be perfectly capable of doing so. It also uses a patronizing tone, which is characteristic of mansplaining.
    15 replies | 1086 view(s) | |
  • Yankeeman07's Avatar
    Today, 07:42 AM
    How many real customers (business owners will talk to a machine) and will upload documents to a unknown, unsecure upload link?
    15 replies | 1086 view(s) | |
  • JasonBishop's Avatar
    Today, 06:57 AM
    Ed it looks good. What I was asking him is if he is getting traffic to the site. Without it, it's just a shiny widget. Which is cool, looks good. I'm sure it has the capability to plug in with other use cases like SMS, email but it appears the discussion here is a website. One of the bigger costs here to consider is getting people on site before anyone can interact with it.
    15 replies | 1086 view(s) | |
  • GrowthHacker's Avatar
    Today, 06:23 AM
    He let it rip on the bot pretty hard! :D check this out: (In the last few weeks I've seen my bots book 100's of appointments based upon real world conversations, and none have hit it this hard) Thanks for the glowing review @CJO1998 - I really appreciate it! Looking forward to taking your website traffic (that would otherwise bounce, especially after hours) and converting it into incoming files with our real conversational AI bots! Keep in mind, this bot has just general criteria for all kinds of funding, we can custom build and train it to give real quotes and real time frames as well.
    15 replies | 1086 view(s) | |
  • NEWCDAM's Avatar
    Yesterday, 10:59 PM
    The GASLIGHTING and MANIPULATION is the problem. If you're willing just take anything handed to you, we can't relate.
    54 replies | 3080 view(s) | |
  • Sachip24's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:49 PM
    live transfers are usually $35-$50 a transfer. someone selling them for $15 bucks is scamming you. and they contacted you via IG ..big red flag scammer most likely. Telling you you'll get 10 apps a day means nothing. They are likely giving you fake info once they send you the app you will never be able to get them back on the phone. Many scam transfers companies have a pool of people they just keep alternating to call, they all pick up sound like interested clients and then you don't hear from them again.
    18 replies | 465 view(s) | |
  • Sachip24's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:19 PM
    Charge the merchant a PSF then. Case closed you got paid.
    54 replies | 3080 view(s) | |
  • JasonBishop's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:35 PM
    Heck of an endorsement before even letting it rip for a while. Are you getting traffic to your site?
    15 replies | 1086 view(s) | |
  • NEWCDAM's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:01 PM
    YES. REALLY DID NEED IT. We were told basically the same day of pay out that we wouldn't get paid. An emergency happened within the office, plus it was the 1st of the month. It would've done us a great justice. Not only that but working on expansion and need to pay for things we need, we shouldn't need to rely on our own funding if we don't have to. In fact, THE MERCHANT advanced US for their error until the FUNDER decides to pay us in order to make things right! The fact that we can't receive the same support from the funder (who wanted us to continue bringing them good deals) speaks volumes! They only offered that deal to compete with another lender we already had a relationship with. They offered the same deal and added like 10 more days and drew us in thinking business with them wouldn't turn to this. The 1st pos we got them was for 11 months with another lender few months before.
    54 replies | 3080 view(s) | |
  • frank's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:00 PM
    frank replied to a thread Vanguard capital Funding in Deal Bin
    Just came across a customer who apparently got a line of credit from Vanguard. This client didn't qualify with On Deck, Headway, Idea or Rapid. Has anyone used them or heard about a line of credit from them? Also, they apparently require him to take a couple of MCA positions before they give the LOC...
    5 replies | 1856 view(s) | |
  • NEWCDAM's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:47 PM
    There's no doubt that we are a small brokerage and still building. That still doesn't give room to be disrespected like we do not matter. An agreement is an agreement. WE THE BROKER DON'T NEED A LOAN OR AN ADVANCE! CREDIT IS 750+ here WE haven't defaulted. If we had to pay back a clawback then that's what WE AGREE to do. Not here to pay interest if we don't need to. So if there was a clawback, WAIT FOR THAT SITUATION TO PRESENT ITSELF, LIKE THE CONTRACT SAYS! But it never happened! This merchant averages 100-300k now $500k a month and averages over $40000 per day. If anything negative happened, it was technical, and the fact that we actually build relationships with our client, they will make sure they remain on track. If our shop became a Funder or Lender, which may happen one day, we wouldn't treat our brokers this way. Accepting the risk that comes with advancing (anyone) money should be standard. It is up to the funder to assess the risk properly and effectively, and propose accordingly. Not BREACH the contract with the players on THEIR team. If those are your terms ADDRESS THAT IN YOUR CONTRACT CLEARLY! Instead of the ISO Agreement saying: "ISO MUST BE PAID WITHIN (7 BUSINESS DAYS) WITH A CLAWBACK PERIOD OF 30DAYS" It should read: "IF CLIENT MISSES A PAYMENT, YOUR COMPANY WILL BE PAID ON THE BACKEND." Give someone the opportunity to decide if they really want to do business with YOU! We are NOT relying on the commission of 1 deal. Just because I'm being adamant about "30 Days", does not mean we wouldn't want to get them to renew or push for repeat business. DEMANDING to be respected within the stipulations of our agreement is FAR from being a toddler. Those paragraphs are way too long. I WILL CONTINUE TO POST AND EXPRESS EXACTLY HOW I FEEL WHEN I FEEL. Silence me for what? We will NOT tolerate the FUNDER disrespect. AGAIN, my client CONTINUES to pay DAILY! There's NO ACTIVE DEFAULT. The only thing that needs to change is the way Funders treat and USE their Brokers. It's illegal to force free work, and everyone has a fee. Collect it how you collect it, but don't stiff the people working in your favor!
    54 replies | 3080 view(s) | |
  • CJO1988's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:47 PM
    Well I just took the chat bot for a spin 2 times and all I have to say is wow!! It was able to carry on a conversation like a human. Not only did the bot answer off topic and often outlandish statements and questions, it also always moved past them and continued to advance the conversation to the ultimate goal of qualifying and then selling the appointment. I tried to throw the bot off several times by saying the most insane off the wall comments and asking it ridiculous questions and every single time it would respond with some sort of either sarcastic or strikingly human backhanded remark and then refocused the conversation to the ultimate goal of setting an appointment after qualifying the customer and gathering all of the necessary contact info and then also asking for documents..... Needless to say I spoke to Ed and I will be moving forward with employing an iteration of the Jenny bot. On top of that the owner Ed spoke to me at length about the technology behind the bot and several other questions and topics that I felt were important to discuss. All in All if you are looking to employ this type of tech I would say look no further because I have tried several other ones that were no where near this bot. Chris Oliveto CEO Bullhammer Business Solutions LLC 631-579-8628
    15 replies | 1086 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:33 PM
    What was the factor on the deal @ontap what is your avg buy rate?
    54 replies | 3080 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:32 PM
    Seems so, seems from what ontap said the iso rly needed the $. I feel bad for the iso, but, the funder handled it the way most would who have no relationship with the iso (it was their first deal together). Regardless seems they arent ****ers and did a 2nd pos 160 day deal on a guy w a record (means they looked deep into the deal). With 80k!
    54 replies | 3080 view(s) | |
  • diditevenfund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:05 PM
    Anyone who claims they "never have had a default" does like 2 deals a month max. Lol
    54 replies | 3080 view(s) | |
  • Finance's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:48 PM
    Newcdam, your incredulity is remarkable and you keep contradicting yourself, incessantly. A few examples of this: -You at first said you'd have been paid after 90 days, now you're saying 160 days -You say you're not a "one and done", you stay in touch with your clients etc., well, if that's the case, you wouldn't be relying on one single transaction to support your overhead, would you not have a macrame of clients you make money from by servicing them? -You say "we have not had any defaults under our record", really? Do you truly believe that your practices promote a 0% default rate or believe you along with all of us are completely infallible and for decades capital providers have been seeking that idealistic 0% default rate to no avail, because it's incontrovertibly impossible. You're flummoxed over one commission, this implies you're in your nascent stages, maybe 5-10 transactions on your book since your inception. Exceptions don't disprove the generality, as volume persists, you will undoubtedly have a default no matter what you do, another example of the very idealistic and contradictory mentality you still haven't realized is facilitating your acceleration out of the industry. -You say you're synonymous with integrity in the eyes of your funders, how they "call you first" etc., but here you are first in line to abdicate responsibility and understanding when one of your cherished partners has understandable discomfort in a transaction and maintained communications with you regarding this, ultimately implying they are going to pay you once their concerns are ameliorated and now you're spouting how you have no bearing on the file after 30 days and you seemingly have no concern about it succeeding or failing because you won't be taking the hit. Contradictory, that's not a genuine partnership where you're equally as invested in your partners success as you are your own success. The second something doesn't go your way, in your extremely idealistic frame, you castigate the very resource you make money from like an angry toddler but simultaneously make proclamations of being different from the rest of the brokers? I can't believe what I'm reading and I can't believe you actually believe the reprehensibly feverish sewage you're exuding. You need to wake up and see how execrably foolish you've made yourself out to be. And the reason I'm telling you this is because people like you negatively impact my business in aggregate, you make brokers look like desperate whiny inbreds who have zero concern for anything aside from their commission, even if it results in the burning of the funders they make money from. You make brokers look unprofessional and infantile. You need to open your eyes and realize if you continue to operate this way and fail to understand every side of the very transactions you make money from that you'll not only fail to make money, but you'll equally have such a terrible reputation that you won't have any resources left to service your ever so pristine clients who don't default. You are the reason funders like BlueVine, without warning, cut off all of their ISOs at once, you make us look like unprofessional leeches and it's so disconcerting to deal with your kind that they do whatever they can to cut brokers out of the equation. People like you hurt all of our ability to make money, publicly crying on an industry wide forum incoherently representing brokers for all to see, forcing negative interpretations of brokers because the loud minority (YOU) is always the most visibly noticed in our current society like a deleterious poison infecting and deteriorating all positive associations with it with a complete lack of concern for the negative implications exacted and resulted by you, progressively destroying your own reputation along with subtly misrepresenting brokers as a whole. This is what impractical and overt emotion does, it skews one's ability to see things for how they are, and their feverish emotion fuels their own downfall along with everyone around them. If you don't do a complete 180 I'd give you another 6 months max in the industry. Sorry, harsh reality, it doesn't have to be though, you can learn from this and change, but you've proven despite many learning opportunities presented to you on this thread alone that you will continue to operate with emotion instead of competence and understanding, which means whatever happens this point forward after many iterations of knowledge inculcation is on you. Speaking for all here, please refrain from ever posting again unless you change and realize your inhibitions because until that day comes, you'll be doing nothing aside from staining your reputation along with every other brokers reputation. Good luck.
    54 replies | 3080 view(s) | |
  • STAR CAP's Avatar
    Yesterday, 04:27 PM
    I fund previous defaults. Send the deal to or if you would like an iso agreement first what is your email? David Z Star Capital Solutions Chief Executive Officer 40 Wall St New York, NY 10005
    2 replies | 254 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:40 PM
    Whats your lowest buy rate? It'll be good to have another canadian funder. Per what this iso said, if u gave an 8 month turn to a merchant with a criminal records, means you guys will be solid to use as a funder.
    54 replies | 3080 view(s) | |
  • PopCrumbs's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:28 PM
    I’m shocked they will take a card. Do it. You can always dispute the charge if it’s not what they say it is. Use an Amex they are most on your side. Regarding minimums. Most lead companies will have one. Just like most funders have a minimum. And just like funding a $5k deal is 10x more work than funding a $50k deal so is selling someone $200 in leads. As soon as someone asks to spend $500 as their max we basically won’t waste anymore time with them.
    18 replies | 465 view(s) | |
  • NEWCDAM's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:24 PM
    One deal and done is not what we do, nor is it the service we provide. We actually build and maintain relationships with our clients, and walk them through the process/ don't disappear on them (especially if it's their first advance). The "FUNDERS" actually call us first if there is a bounced payment and we call the Merchant immediately and stay on top of the situation, which is what they did with us. We actually did ONTAP a HUGE service getting a file back on track, so I don't understand your "feel bad" if the funder is actually getting paid thanks to the broker. Because of this, we have not had any defaults under our record. So I don't know what your definition of "one deal and done" is but that does not describe us. Thank you.
    54 replies | 3080 view(s) | |
  • Zonefund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:19 PM
    You can sue anyone in america. If they lose, then that means, salesforce is possibly the best option other then building your own crm.
    30 replies | 4028 view(s) | |
  • Oxforddan's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:07 PM
    If the MERCHANT actually DID DEFAULT, they would be in collections. NOT still paying the Lender directly. As we are currently a few days shy of the 30day period, we as the broker should not have to continue to be subject to deal with it if our clawback period is only 30days. FYI they are a "funder" not a "Lender" Normally I wouldn't nitpick this but clearly you need to pay better attention to details.
    54 replies | 3080 view(s) | |
  • Oxforddan's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:03 PM
    I feel bad for Ontap here. When I have a deal that goes bad I prefer to send back the commission with an apology about giving them a bad deal instead of having it debited. Apparently that's pretty rare, which has led to some interesting conversations about how many of these one deal and done shops don't even honor a clawback. If I was Ontap I would not only wait until I recouped all the funds that I disbursed I would wait till i collected enough return to cover the commission, then I would send it. However by then it seems they will have already won in court and they can just keep it. This industry never ceases to amaze me.
    54 replies | 3080 view(s) | |
  • Jason Sterling's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:44 PM
    Jason Sterling replied to a thread TIB 3 Months in Deal Bin
    We consider at 4 months TIB. Credit card sales based MCA only.
    5 replies | 258 view(s) | |
  • diditevenfund's Avatar
    Yesterday, 02:43 PM
    uh oh.......
    30 replies | 4028 view(s) | |
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