The most important fact to know about how this Program works? We save you money, or you owe us nothing. Unlike many other debt-service firms, our fee is based solely on how much we reduce your debts for you. We are performance based.

Most of our Client relationships start when a company asks us for a free, 100% confidential, no-obligation review of their debt situation. Even if they choose not to hire us, they gain a valuable, objective assessment of their business finances.

In many cases, however, the company will "try us out" by asking us to settle its payables with just a few of its creditors. They soon realize that we do much more than simply reduce their business debts.

- Performs all creditor contact, so you can concentrate on building your revenues/profits

- Eliminates court appearances for you--especially meaningful if you are being sued out of town.

- Protects your business assets from creditors who might want to seize them

- Satisfies your creditors within your financial means

- Helps you rebuild your business-credit rating with agencies such as Dun & Bradstreet

Business-debt consolidation firms typically require you to pay non-refundable up-front fees. We don't. Instead, we request a small initial deposit which is refunded to client by as a 20% credit to earned fees until sum of such credits equal the total of Initial Deposit paid. We also open an interest-bearing escrow account in your name and suggest that you gradually build a balance in it equal to 20% of your unsettled business debts. The reason is simple: When the settlement offers start coming in, it's essential to have funds readily available to pay them.

These funds are always under your control: they are used only with your written permission, and only if you accept a debt-settlement offer we have worked out with your creditor(s). You are free to reject any settlement offer we bring you, and free to terminate our services at any time with 30 days written notice. When you do, all funds remaining in the escrow account are promptly returned to you, along with all interest earned on those funds.

Our fee, which is a flat percentage of the total savings we achieve for you on each debt account, is due only after you sign off on our "Good News" letter confirming the settlement.

Howie Dane
Funding Sources for Business
(866) 573-3273