I Have: What You Need!
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  1. #1

    Lightbulb I Have: What You Need!

    Need Data?

    MCA List of qualified merchants looking for funding. List includes:

    First Name
    Last Name
    Name of Business
    Clean and Verified Email
    DNC & Blacklist Scrubbed
    50k+ Min. Monthly Revenue

    Thank you,
    Nick McCabe
    Klover Data
    Linkdin- Nickolas McCabe

  2. #2
    Senior Member Reputation points: 105222 Olderguy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    Irvine, CA

    I am amazed at the illiteracy of posters that can't understand address, etc requirements for posting
    Steve Benjamin
    Professional Business Loans

    522 Contessa
    Irvine, CA 92620
    Broker, Underwriter, general business loan expert

    @ 24 hour funding working capital loans
    @ Term loans from 3 years to 10 years at 9.5% and up
    @ Equipment financing up to 7 years
    @ Property loans - Hard Money and traditional - Primary, Investment, commercial, land, fix and flip, construction.
    @ SBA loans - 7A and 504.
    @ Private money equity and debt for major investments
    @ Personal Loans up to gross income from personal tax return.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Reputation points: 25297
    Join Date
    Aug 2024

    Quote Originally Posted by Olderguy View Post
    I am amazed at the illiteracy of posters that can't understand address, etc requirements for posting
    He probably doesn't have a high school education. He likely has a role of sales in his company. I hear they have good data.

  4. #4
    John, you seem like a really nice guy.

    1100 Brickell Bay Dr, Miami, FL 33131

  5. #5
    Last edited by Nick McCabe; 01-27-2025 at 11:25 AM.

  6. #6
    Steve, half of your "professional" description has improperly capitalized nouns, and the other half lacks punctuation completely. Also your business name is abbreviated to "biz"? It's truly comical to see you complaining about the lack of proper grammar. Additionally, you are not fostering a welcome environment to someone who is obviously new to the forum. Good luck fostering new and quality relationships with that attitude.

  7. #7
    I can attest that not only is the data quality, but their team is easily reachable. I find that rare in the industry.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Reputation points: 105222 Olderguy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    Irvine, CA

    Quote Originally Posted by banking brain View Post
    Steve, half of your "professional" description has improperly capitalized nouns, and the other half lacks punctuation completely. Also your business name is abbreviated to "biz"? It's truly comical to see you complaining about the lack of proper grammar. Additionally, you are not fostering a welcome environment to someone who is obviously new to the forum. Good luck fostering new and quality relationships with that attitude.
    Read the rules bro. Too many people spamming this site.
    Steve Benjamin
    Professional Business Loans

    522 Contessa
    Irvine, CA 92620
    Broker, Underwriter, general business loan expert

    @ 24 hour funding working capital loans
    @ Term loans from 3 years to 10 years at 9.5% and up
    @ Equipment financing up to 7 years
    @ Property loans - Hard Money and traditional - Primary, Investment, commercial, land, fix and flip, construction.
    @ SBA loans - 7A and 504.
    @ Private money equity and debt for major investments
    @ Personal Loans up to gross income from personal tax return.

  9. #9
    Brother, I simply forgot to put in my companies address. There is a way to talk to people.. "Hey Nick, for your next post can you make sure you follow all the guidelines".....
    And thanks @banking brain. Appreciate the support and promoting our leads. I assume we have sold you leads, please message me so I can put a face to your profile.

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