Tip top capital
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  1. #1
    Senior Member Reputation points: 18234
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    Tip top capital

    Question to funders, have you ever been burned by these guys? A funder I work with asked me. I asked around, and a contact at Amerifi told me they cut them off due to their deals not performing (I'm not sure whether to believe him or not, it was a statement, no proof provided).

  2. #2
    Senior Member Reputation points: 12027
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johndough24 View Post
    Question to funders, have you ever been burned by these guys? A funder I work with asked me. I asked around, and a contact at Amerifi told me they cut them off due to their deals not performing (I'm not sure whether to believe him or not, it was a statement, no proof provided).
    i have seen them quadurple stack a merchant in the past and take a hug fee

    deal went sour
    Last edited by Robinhood21; 10-28-2024 at 09:02 PM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Reputation points: 18234
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robinhood21 View Post
    i have seen them quadurple a merchant in the past and take a hug fee

    deal went sour
    So David sol from amerifi wasn't lying (you can't trust anyone in this space). I'll let my contact know. Thank you Robinhood.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Reputation points: 62085
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johndough24 View Post
    Question to funders, have you ever been burned by these guys? A funder I work with asked me. I asked around, and a contact at Amerifi told me they cut them off due to their deals not performing (I'm not sure whether to believe him or not, it was a statement, no proof provided).
    They are terrible. I cut them off as well. Seen them charge 10% PSF fees, lie to funders, charged fees on a On Deck deals too which is a big 'no no'. If you are a funder who looks at their deals, be very careful.

  5. #5
    We also cut them off for same issue

  6. #6
    Glad to know this happened with everyone. Terrible people to work with as well, they're all very miserable people.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Reputation points: 19905
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    Every deal they sent us had 4-5 positions in it. Terrible.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Reputation points: 18234
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    Quote Originally Posted by kpeng View Post
    Every deal they sent us had 4-5 positions in it. Terrible.
    Wow you guys just saved my friend a lot of $$. Thanks for your input.

  9. #9
    I still remember back in 2018 or so when the original founder of this forum told me “Yeah the people posting are some characters, I don’t blame you for not wanting to participate". This used to be a great place to get some information for newcomers to the industry.

    So here goes. Tip Top Capital has been the same entity since 2016 we don’t pretend we are someone else nor ever needed to rebrand to repackage the same exact service/ product unlike many in our industry. If you ever need to reach me my direct number is 212-252-2217 or email me at vadim@tiptopcap.com. You can also fee free to visit us at 40 Exchange Suite 300 in Fidi. Majority of the larger lenders have visited us numerous occasions over the years. So for starters I do not blame you Johndough24, you asked a simple question but in our business if you are not doing business with the people you ask around they are more like to bad mouth you than mention anything positive. Correction - they will bad mouth you even if they have nothing to say.

    @Johndough, I cant quite understand what you are searching for but by all means ask me for industry references anytime.

    @Amerifi comment – got nothing bad to say about them frankly barely remember doing business with them. You see high risk funders want you to remember them by a particular deal but they forget shops like ours fund 50-70 units a month for the last god knows how many years but they like to think we remember exactly what happened on 1 specific deal….No I am sorry I cant remember or know without specific example. So to answer your question Johndough24, in my millions of emails everything is trackable, the last email I ever had from Amerifi – Gavrial states “Hi,Not sure what happened but we havent received any submissions from you guys in months. Just wanted to follow up and share our guidelines, which I've attached for your convenience….
    Nothing bad to say about them , I don’t think they should bad mouth us either. Can easily share all of our dialogue and again history with them is not relevant in our funding volume. I don’t think any one in our office even knows who they are. I have no idea nor ever had correspondence with a “David Sol”. Checked out entire domain.

    @TheUnderwriter – I love the warning , would love to know what FUNDER you represent. IF your company was the FUNDER please enlighten us with the deal and deal terms. Bet you $50 it must have been some crappy deal under 60 days with a 1.59 with a large Origination fee as well.

    @Aaron Hoffman – same as Amerifi I never bad mouthed your company not sure why you need to do this. So calling you out , you say “cut them off”. Really now, we almost never ever ever contacted you but you sure loved contacting us. My last email from you was regarding a deal called Thiruvizha LLC , you are right we don’t fund much with you. Interesting how you “CUT US OFF” we have not been sending you deals but no issues looking at new ones when they pop up. Holly Crap Aaron – you just responded to Sergio email Oct 21 regarding a submission. Come on guys you can do better than this.

    @DailyCloser –– I have no idea what is “this happened”. Is someone sore that a 30 day may have not reached maturity 2 years ago about some random merchant ? Have we ever not paid a claw back or been in a quarrel …I don’t get it.

    @Kpeng – Finally a person I actually recognize. Same as stated above, no idea why you want to bad mouth a broker attempting to get you business. WE had thorough discussions about this and met each other at many broker fairs, in fact all my people like you because you are not a jerk. We agreed, our relationship is simply not a great match. We place most of our B/C paper with lenders that don’t cap us at $75K, you are right we should have monitored our submissions better not to waste time on our less favorable paper which by the way we do most of time over last 2 years. Lenders like EBF, Forward, Credibly, Ondeck, Kapitus and many others where we ACTUALLY FUND likely got 20X more subs from us than who ever is bad mouthing us here but they got better things to do. BAD MOUTHING is simply poor taste. You dont see me posting your offers in comparison to the others do you? Ken – my team never had anything bad to say about you, I hope to see you again at the next event. Also KEN you should know hat the few commenting above have terms our merchants simply would not consider – ELEVATE should steer more clear of seeing them in documents than my broker fee how ever seldom that is – its 2024 in todays market were more likely to down sell than anything else. Were funding deals at 2 -5 pts on most GOOD DEALS 9-18 months. Tell me what puts a merchant over the edge more behind a deal you would fund, a broker charging a 5% or one of the "funders" above having their broker sell a 30k deal 30 days. I think we both know the answer. We may have tons of not great submissions... WHAT BROKER DOES NOT but we have the largest success in funding GOOD DEALS w GOOD TERMS.

    I missed my workout for this non sense – we are not perfect at Tip Top Capital, you will NEVER please every funder…Nor should you try to and just to be clear we hired and terminated reps over the years that have caused any havoc and always address any lender/ merchant concerns. Our core team has worked with me for 7-8 years. We are a family, we visit each others homes, celebrate each others accomplishments. We brokered $45 Million in 2023 at Tip Top Capital (Mix of MCA, SBA, EQ and LOCs) But sure post about a deal that someone may have said that we brokered that was likely 20k at a 1.59 30 days ( i dont really know just guessing)…which if it went bad it must have been our fault (sarcasm) no other way it could have went bad cause that would just be crazy…right. (Sarcasm again).

    Vadim Shtivelman
    CEO – Tip Top Capital
    p.s. As an industry vet I welcome you to contact me anytime and request any communication or information you are seeking. I will always provide my un-biased opinion also seems many here have a short term memory.
    Last edited by funding221; 10-30-2024 at 08:50 AM.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Johndough24 View Post
    Question to funders, have you ever been burned by these guys? A funder I work with asked me. I asked around, and a contact at Amerifi told me they cut them off due to their deals not performing (I'm not sure whether to believe him or not, it was a statement, no proof provided).

    I just came home after a long day in the office, finished putting the kids to sleep and was about to head to the gym when I seen this post and felt the need to reply. Like 99 % of the people who use Daily Funder – always been a scroller Not a contributor and for good reasons. I still remember back in 2018 or so when the original founder of this forum told me “Yeah the people posting are some characters, I don’t blame you for not wanting to participate". This used to be a great place to get some information for newcomers to the industry.

    So here goes. Tip Top Capital has been the same entity since 2016 we don’t pretend we are someone else nor ever needed to rebrand to repackage the same exact service/ product unlike many in our industry. If you ever need to reach me my direct number is 212-252-2217 or email me at vadim@tiptopcap.com. You can also fee free to visit us at 40 Exchange Suite 300 in Fidi. Majority of the larger lenders have visited us numerous occasions over the years. So for starters I do not blame you Johndough24, you asked a simple question but in our business if you are not doing business with the people you ask around they are more like to bad mouth you than mention anything positive. Correction - they will bad mouth you even if they have nothing to say.

    @Johndough, I cant quite understand what you are searching for but by all means ask me for industry references anytime.

    @Amerifi comment – got nothing bad to say about them frankly barely remember doing business with them. You see high risk funders want you to remember them by a particular deal but they forget shops like ours fund 50-70 units a month for the last god knows how many years but they like to think we remember exactly what happened on 1 specific deal….No I am sorry I cant remember or know without specific example. So to answer your question Johndough24, in my millions of emails everything is trackable, the last email I ever had from Amerifi – Gavrial states “Hi,Not sure what happened but we havent received any submissions from you guys in months. Just wanted to follow up and share our guidelines, which I've attached for your convenience….
    Nothing bad to say about them , I don’t think they should bad mouth us either. Can easily share all of our dialogue and again history with them is not relevant in our funding volume. I don’t think any one in our office even knows who they are. I have no idea nor ever had correspondence with a “David Sol”. Checked out entire domain.

    @TheUnderwriter – I love the warning , would love to know what FUNDER you represent. IF your company was the FUNDER please enlighten us with the deal and deal terms. Bet you $50 it must have been some crappy deal under 60 days with a 1.59 with a large Origination fee as well.

    @Aaron Hoffman – same as Amerifi I never bad mouthed your company not sure why you need to do this. So calling you out , you say “cut them off”. Really now, we almost never ever ever contacted you but you sure loved contacting us. My last email from you was regarding a deal called Thiruvizha LLC , you are right we don’t fund much with you. Interesting how you “CUT US OFF” we have not been sending you deals but no issues looking at new ones when they pop up. Holly Crap Aaron – you just responded to Sergio email Oct 21 regarding a submission. Come on guys you can do better than this.

    @DailyCloser –– I have no idea what is “this happened”. Is someone sore that a 30 day may have not reached maturity 2 years ago about some random merchant ? Have we ever not paid a claw back or been in a quarrel …I don’t get it.

    @Kpeng – Finally a person I actually recognize. Same as stated above, no idea why you want to bad mouth a broker attempting to get you business. WE had thorough discussions about this and met each other at many broker fairs, in fact all my people like you because you are not a jerk. We agreed, our relationship is simply not a great match. We place most of our B/C paper with lenders that don’t cap us at $75K, you are right we should have monitored our submissions better not to waste time on our less favorable paper which by the way we do most of time over last 2 years. Lenders like EBF, Forward, Credibly, Ondeck, Kapitus and many others where we ACTUALLY FUND likely got 20X more subs from us than who ever is bad mouthing us here but they got better things to do. BAD MOUTHING is simply poor taste. You dont see me posting your offers in comparison to the others do you? Ken – my team never had anything bad to say about you, I hope to see you again at the next event. Also KEN you should know hat the few commenting above have terms our merchants simply would not consider – ELEVATE should steer more clear of seeing them in documents than my broker fee how ever seldom that is – its 2024 in todays market were more likely to down sell than anything else. Were funding deals at 2 -5 pts on most GOOD DEALS 9-18 months. Tell me what puts a merchant over the edge more behind a deal you would fund, a broker charging a 5% or one of the "funders" above having their broker sell a 30k deal 30 days. I think we both know the answer. We may have tons of not great submissions... WHAT BROKER DOES NOT but we have the largest success in funding GOOD DEALS w GOOD TERMS.

    I missed my workout for this non sense – we are not perfect at Tip Top Capital, you will NEVER please every funder…Nor should you try to and just to be clear we hired and terminated reps over the years that have caused any havoc and always address any lender/ merchant concerns. Our core team has worked with me for 7-8 years. We are a family, we visit each others homes, celebrate each others accomplishments. We brokered $45 Million in 2023 at Tip Top Capital (Mix of MCA, SBA, EQ and LOCs) and tomorrow im taking some of these guys to GAME 5 of World Series – Go Yankees and hopefully forget about this nonsense. But sure post about a deal that someone may have said that we brokered that was likely 20k at a 1.59 30 days ( i dont really know just guessing)…which if it went bad it must have been our fault (sarcasm) no other way it could have went bad cause that would just be crazy…right. (Sarcasm again).

    Vadim Shtivelman
    CEO – Tip Top Capital
    p.s. As an industry vet I welcome you to contact me anytime and request any communication or information you are seeking. I will always provide my un-biased opinion also seems many here have a short term memory.
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  11. #11
    No Idea who David Sol is but i suggest read below. Thats if your actual contact cares.

  12. #12
    Senior Member Reputation points: 62085
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    Yall suck and there is a reason multiple funders cut your shop off, maybe its not you per say but your reps blow. And no it was 120-180 day deals. Prior company was 8-12 month terms mostly 1st. If you ever get kicked off from On Deck and they take the renewal book, just know they may have been told about the fee you charged on a few renewals and its hard to argue its not you when it literally says 'Tip Top Capital'

    But I am sure the 'go to' rebuttal is the funder is some 40-60 day high risk joke shop anytime someone bad mouths a broker. You can keep the 50$ though , if you lose the On Deck book, your team might need it more than me.

    PS - saw your reps charge a 10% PSF on a lot of deals, you shouldnt call out other funders for charging a high origination fee given the funder takes all the risk when you charging 10% fees to merchants. Our fees are 2-4% which is normal
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    Last edited by TheUnderwriter; 10-30-2024 at 10:58 AM. Reason: ...

  13. #13
    Senior Member Reputation points: 65222
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    Love these fee charging clowns, its an absolute pleasure to bash to the merchant and proceed to enter it in my book.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by diditevenfund View Post
    Love these fee charging clowns, its an absolute pleasure to bash to the merchant and proceed to enter it in my book.

  15. #15
    I haven't had any issues working with TipTop. I believe 9/10 isos charge fees. Some funders pay 10, hence why the iso charges 2-3. I pay 12% and I haven't had any issues with them pulling gees after communicating to them that I don't allow fees at the start of our relationship. They have good deal flow and their reps are knowledgeable and from what I've experience transparent with their merchants. Vadim is a professional guy, as is Sergio, and the rest of their team. I learned to be wary of new isos, as is every funder (except salaried and hourly employees, of course, along with most iso reps, since they have no skin in the game on deals). Someone on this forum posted that tip top is a great place to work at, seems they take care of their employees.

    Why is everyone here anonymous who responded with baseless accusations? Can you all provide proof?

  16. #16
    We also got burned by tip top, excessive fees, lies to clients, every rep in that firm is more spun than a shopping merchant. STAY AWAY

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Newiso24 View Post
    It's funny you say that. I just Funded a merchant who thanked me up and down for not charging him an extra 10%. I asked why and he explained he was charged by tiptop and paid the "lender" and tiptop. I looked through the banks, and it's hilarious. They're pulling using a different name then tiptop. Now reading them defend themselves is so ****ing hilarious. How do you defend yourself against multiple lenders saying you're a scumbag?
    What did they pull as?

  18. #18
    I think its incredible they have former wwe hardcore champion maven working there.

  19. #19
    Senior Member Reputation points: 65032 SendDocsPlox's Avatar
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    in this thread, vigorously mashing the refresh key

    Quote Originally Posted by Top G View Post
    I think its incredible they have former wwe hardcore champion maven working there.
    In fairness WWE went downhill after Benoit so it makes sense the guy ended up in MCA

  20. #20
    Senior Member Reputation points: 12027
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    Quote Originally Posted by Top G View Post
    I think its incredible they have former wwe hardcore champion maven working there.
    No way???

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Robinhood21 View Post
    No way???
    Check their IG, was watching one of his youtube videos and he said he worked at tip top capital. I'm like no way

  22. #22
    Senior Member Reputation points: 311809
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    Quote Originally Posted by Top G View Post
    I think its incredible they have former wwe hardcore champion maven working there.

  23. #23
    Senior Member Reputation points: 12027
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    Quote Originally Posted by Top G View Post
    Check their IG, was watching one of his youtube videos and he said he worked at tip top capital. I'm like no way
    how does have time to do this with his youtube videos

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