The Difference between "High Risk" and "Additional Positions"
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  1. #1
    Senior Member Reputation points: 50583
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    Jul 2014

    The Difference between "High Risk" and "Additional Positions"

    I think there needs to be some explanation when it comes to risk.

    In my experience- High Risk are industries in the "High Risk" category like transportation, auto, adult etc... Credit score (personal and business), and financials. All because a biz owner needs additional capital doesn't mean they are high risk- and sometimes the industry doesn't make them high risk either (example- I have transportation and construction that do upwards of $1MM a mo which bumps them up a tier or two).

    What I am trying to ask everyone- what does your company consider HIGH RISK? There is a lot that changed and some won't fund the same files as they did last year and some have become more lenient. ** this is a question to answer and discuss in order to educate- not a means for you to promote wildly.
    Amanda Kingsley
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  2. #2
    Senior Member Reputation points: 54989
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    Dec 2013

    High Risk at Cresthill Capital (just BTW...we are currently offering commissions of 8% on the payback for files over 25K that's around 11.6% on the funded) HIGH RISK can include the following (we fund the following)...
    Inconstant revenues
    many negative daily balances
    drop in sales
    manipulation of current advances (we wont fund!)
    multiple bank accounts
    recently switched bank accounts
    credit pulled by multiple MCA companies
    tax issues
    multiple judgments
    home based
    prior bankruptcy
    multiple owners

    Last edited by mcaguru; 12-01-2014 at 12:38 PM.

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