Hi Daily Funder,

We have been noticing that a lot of brokers who don't have access to the A paper funders would rather send files to direct funders with shorter terms and higher buy rates than to a best-of-the-best broker seemingly because they think their commissions are more secure that way. With that said, we have an ISO agreement that we always send to our partners that'll ensure in writing that your commissions will always be paid and in a timely fashion. More importantly, our reputation speaks for itself, which you can check out here: https://www.trustpilot.com/review/capfront.net.

Our terms on short term business loans go out 24 months and our buy rates are as low as 6% (3-month terms). Here's an example deal we just funded: a 2nd position home-based trucker on a 12-month term at a 1.20 buy rate with weekly payments.

If you're interested in working with us, please give us a call on our mainline at 844-466-6394 ext 3 or direct message us. Looking forward to hearing from all of you!