Hey DF,

Thought I should share some words of wisdom on a Friday. I have been in capital markets in one role or another for 25+ years. In various roles I have been through several blow ups, downtrends, market crashes, recessions, and now a global pandemic that has stifled capital markets and the economy.

Most of you know I preach the golden rules of capital markets on a regular basis: Know your customer! Know your referral sources! Know your sources of capital! In times such as these it is more important than ever to protect you clients, reputation, and wallet.

There will be several new sources of capital "pop up" that claim they are the greatest, the best, and providing capital. As an advisor to your clients, it's your responsibility to vet them out before you share any information. I can't tell you how many times I have been asked "How much do you guys pay" before the person asks the important questions:

-What is your capital base and how large is your capital base?
-Who is the principal/president of the organization and how long have you've been in business?
-How many people are on the team to service my client after the transaction is completed?
-What is the average life span of your clients?
-Are you or your firm associated with any professional organizations?

Do some searches on the company prior to taking a call or calling.....
