Funding Discussions Daily Threads / Posts Last Post
Deal Bin
(567 Viewing)Find a home for your deal(s) here. Let funders and lenders come to you.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 6,958
- Posts: 47,082
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Merchant Cash Advance
(4553 Viewing)Purchases of future revenues (discussion only)
Forum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 9,703
- Posts: 106,639
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Business Loans
(254 Viewing)APRs, fixed terms. Loans, not advances (discussion only)
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 972
- Posts: 5,712
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Real Estate Lending
(98 Viewing)Commercial, residential, hard money, mortgages, raw land, refis, cash out, construction, and all real estate lending
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 330
- Posts: 1,798
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All Other Lending
(234 Viewing)equipment financing, factoring, p2p lending, credit card stacking, startup loans etc.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 1,184
- Posts: 4,842
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Beyond Financing Threads / Posts Last Post
Financial Services
(67 Viewing)Discuss financial services & financial technology
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 275
- Posts: 1,133
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Payment Processing
(75 Viewing)Discuss electronic payments, mobile payments, credit card processing, and all related technology
Forum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 262
- Posts: 955
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The Water Cooler Threads / Posts Last Post
News, gossip, help, chatter
Help Wanted
(186 Viewing)Post job openings or announce your interest in a new position
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- Threads: 1,424
- Posts: 3,927
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(374 Viewing)The spot where you can talk about yourself and your company all you want. Self promote!
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 4,069
- Posts: 11,732
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Everything else
(135 Viewing)Trade shows, sports, get-togethers, off-topic discussions, etc.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 1,012
- Posts: 4,938
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What's Going On?
Currently Active Users
There are currently 8766 users online. 178 members and 8588 guests
Most users ever online was 10,548, 09-13-2023 at 09:27 AM.
- abfunders,
- MaryjoBlue,
- ljkelley,
- patrickw,
- Elliotsklar,
- GTM,
- TheConfidentBroker,
- dejunderwriting,
- EdwinS,
- Wallstreetsonofgod,
- RDeStefano,
- Zevi@JaffeCapital,
- bbDavis,
- IsaacS,
- Capital F,
- Ocean Funding,
- Atium,
- brandon_,
- GottAlotta Capital,
- deanm,
- ACHnoname,
- fundinggrasshopper,
- Freddy@Blade,
- ccolucci,
- YoungFunder,
- oabassi,
- DailyFundrrr,
- JT_Mass 2,
- ZackMiller,
- Ben@IFA,
- ACH_Processor,
- JHG,
- Collinscash,
- MooreCap,
- Instafunding CFO,
- Robinhood21,
- k lion,
- admin,
- dollarbillz,
- Mark Goldberg,
- motit,
- diditevenfund,
- FUND3R1,
- DannyFoxCap,
- SendDocsPlox,
- IguanaJoe,
- FirstLine Advance,
- NBS,
- sergio450,
- AtiumCapital,
- ootit,
- fundallday,
- sb1959,
- Nick McCabe,
- microboby,
- PreferredFundingGroup,
- Bank,
- RightC,
- blKC,
- Mr.funded,
- MikeTracy,
- scott hall,
- FifthVenture,
- Salmacher,
- sparkcapital54,
- jayrich,
- Joseph BT16,
- freeprocessing,
- fundingaround1,
- Cody Roth,
- FaFFunding,
- etci,
- Shor Capital,
- Shorebird,
- Heron_Tech_Software,
- Lmonus,
- LDPSU126,
- Steven_O,
- FundingGuy,
- IronCap,
- Bizzcap22,
- closer129,
- Saul,
- tlaudan,
- ManuelNunez,
- riemos,
- AlexP,
- gabe zav,
- RadissnonFunding,
- Ericr123,
- funding1220,
- NickHubbard,
- happysacks00,
- mosheb,
- 1.49howyadoin,
- DennisM,
- Finance,
- lonewolf,
- Stmthom,
- FordGlobal,
- zeebrafunds,
- Finance Guru,
- jonathankatz550,
- joey funds,
- FundfiCEO,
- channin19,
- JakeS,
- fundingjo26,
- JasonBishop,
- AlexRossen,
- davis3003,
- johnwood,
- FundingCaptain,
- john2,
- JasperCap,
- super,
- Honest_Funder23,
- Michael I,
- john1,
- 702hr,
- Steven_VCG,
- davedamoneyman,
- bobertbot,
- noaheinhorn,
- michaelh,
- gun,
- IKorie,
- pinny,
- FunderX,
- JohnB_SimplyFunding,
- NSF770,
- closer1,
- sotik,
- ram11,
- Top G,
- romant,
- SouthfloridaMCA,
- kpeng,
- Olderguy,
- Cash Advance Kid,
- goatFunding,
- $Matt$,
- alexd12345,
- stevenbaron,
- Jacquelline Bogdanov,
- Smari,
- letsfund2023,
- kman,
- swissfundrr,
- Morris_Mason,
- phunder,
- FunderFunding,
- WineDownWednesday,
- ridextreme,
- caseyUW,
- TheUnderwriter,
- Bscs,
- TheFundingEngineer,
- simonwein12,
- Hartford Capital,
- Sachip24,
- Fundthis!,
- AlexPete
DailyFunder Forums Statistics
- Threads
- 26,231
- Posts
- 188,849
- Members
- 15,538
- Active Members
- 696
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