The Shop sells money, somewhat like a tailor that serves us to adjust a suit that was cut to some general parameters. The Machine is a system, tested, retested and built to perform a function that fills a void that the masses consume as is, and in volume. The ISO that sees the value in the Shop generally has the time to tinker, soft probe and revert to the tailor to remove the pins and stitch the suit [somewhat like an initial soft credit pull prior to the real decision]. Conversely, the ISO’s that have volume and recognize how one Machine differentiates from the other, does not want to revisit a file; They are looking for a hard answer and respects a fast YES/NO, so as to move on to the next transaction. Asking the Machine to revisit a file is like abruptly stopping a conveyor built and expecting the pies not to hit the floor – no Machine built and tested needs that kind of redundancy and rejects the notion altogether, which is why they are celebrated in articles and taken public – their system is proven. Thought I must admit that both are needed in our archaic world of MCA/ACH Finance, to compare their methods is to say one might not really understand that time is money and money is what we are all ultimately here to make expeditiously. The Student of the game learns quickly that a proven method serves best long term.

Joseph Esparza | Director of Business Development | Capital Stack LLC