May/June 2014 – Issue 3

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Letters From the Editors

From Automation to Syndication

Sean Murray and David RubinAfter wrapping up two stellar conferences, Transact 14 in Las Vegas and the LendIt Conference in San Francisco, one thing has become obvious, the technology race is on. But just how far will it go? And who’s dotting their i’s and crossing their t’s to ensure automation doesn’t come at the expense of data security? In this issue, we explore the opportunities technology creates and share our research on safety measures being taken along the way.

Of course we’ve got a little more in store for you as well. Revenue streams in alternative business lending aren’t all focused on upfront commissions. Bankcard relationships continue to flourish, and with that, the ability to earn an additional income.

Stacking continues to be a defining issue of our time and at least one funder is mounting an offensive. But will industry insiders continue to be in control of these debates as peers on the same side of the aisle? Syndication was more disruptive to the industry than more people cared to notice. Could large-scale disruption happen all over again once retail investors are involved?

In issue #3, we look to the future and walk you through the world of daily funders yet again.

Sean Murray & David Rubin

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